
Below is a list of publications made by the academic staff at GenØk.

Publications 2021

Antonsen, T., Dassler, T. (2021) How to Do What Is Right, Not What Is Easy: Requirements for Assessment of Genome-Edited and Genetically Modified Organisms under Ethical Guidelines. Food ethics 6, 12.

Blix TB, Dalmo RA, Wargelius A, Myhr AI.(2021) Genome editing on finfish: Current status and implications for sustainability. Rev Aquacult. 2021;00:1–20.

Kjeldaas, Sigfrid, Trine Antonsen, Sarah Hartley, and Anne I. Myhr (2021) «Public Consultation on Proposed Revisions to Norway’s Gene Technology Act: An Analysis of the Consultation Framing, Stakeholder Concerns and the Integration of Non-Safety Considerations» Sustainability 13, no. 14: 7643.

Marshak, M. et al. (2021) Losing practices, relationships and agency: ecological deskilling as a consequence of the uptake of modern seed varieties among South African Smallholders, Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, DOI: 10.1080/21683565.2021.1888841

Nguyen, N. H. A et al. (2021). Attached and planktonic bacterial communities on bio-based plastic granules and micro-debris in seawater and freshwater. Science of The Total Environment

Okoli, A.S., Blix, T., Myhr, A.I. et al. Sustainable use of CRISPR/Cas in fish aquaculture: the biosafety perspective. Transgenic Res (2021).

Preston, C. J. and Antonsen T. (2021) Integrity and Agency: Negotiating New Forms of Human-Nature Relations in Biotechnology. Environmental Ethics. DOI: 10.5840/enviroethics202143020

Zanon Agapito-Tenfen S, Guerra MP, Nodari RO and Wikmark O-G (2021) Untargeted Proteomics-Based Approach to Investigate Unintended Changes in Genetically Modified Maize for Environmental Risk Assessment Purpose. Front. Toxicol. 3:655968. doi: 10.3389/ftox.2021.655968



Grønsberg, I.M. (2021) Sluttrapport: Bioteknologi i skolen – i et «samfunnsnytte-, bærekraft- og etikkperspektiv»

Book chapters

Antonsen, T. and J.M. McGowan (2021) Exploring alternative food futures through critical design in Hanna Schübel and Ivo Wallimann-Helmer (eds.) Justice and food security in a changing climate, EurSafe 2021 – DOI 10.3920/978-90-8686-915-2_25, © Wageningen Academic Publishers 2021

Blix, T. and Myhr, A.I. (2021) Genome edited salmon: fish welfare as part of sustainability criteria in Hanna Schübel and Ivo Wallimann-Helmer (eds.) Justice and food security in a changing climate, EurSafe 2021 – DOI, © Wageningen Academic Publishers 2021

Carson, S.G., Myskja, B.K. and Myhr, A.I. (2021) Public engagement in biotechnology innovation – the need for research and the role of ethics in Hanna Schübel and Ivo Wallimann-Helmer (eds.) Justice and food security in a changing climate, EurSafe 2021 – DOI, © Wageningen Academic Publishers 2021

Dassler, T. and Myhr, A.I. (2021) The ethical sustainability matrix: a practical tool for assessment of GMOs including genome-edited organisms in Hanna Schübel and Ivo Wallimann-Helmer (eds.) Justice and food security in a changing climate, EurSafe 2021 – DOI, © Wageningen Academic Publishers 2021

Kjeldaas, S. and Antonsen, T. (2021) Visions of gene technology, in Hanna Schübel and Ivo Wallimann-Helmer (eds.) Justice and food security in a changing climate, EurSafe 2021 – DOI, © Wageningen Academic Publishers 2021

Debate/Other popular science

Blix, T. (2021) Genome Editing finfish: What can we do and what should we do?, NTNU, blog post 20.08.21

Dassler, T. and Antonsen, T. (2021) Towards ethics in assessment of GMOs, EurSafe News, volume 23, no.1, may 2021.

Thorstensen, E. and Dassler, T.(2021) Responsibility as care: The normative foundation of RRI, blog post, AFINO-project

Winther, H. and Blix, T. (2021) Behov for et bredere bærekraftsbegrep i oppdrettsbransjen, Intrafish 20.08.21


Innspill til Klima- og miljødepartementet vedrørende forslag til endring i genteknologilovens § 12 om åpenhetsforordningen
Grønsberg et. al. 13.01.21

Publications 2020

Agapito-Tenfen, SZ, Wickson, FE. Challenges for monitoring (trans)gene-flow in the environment. In: Wei, W, Stewart, N. Gene Flow: monitoring, modelling and mitigation, 2020. CABI Press, Shanghai, China (in press).

Arnt Sant`Ana, R.R. et al (2020) «PEG-Delivered CRISPR-Cas9 Ribonucleoproteins System for Gene-Editing Screening of Maize Protoplasts«, Genes 2020, 11(9), 1029;

Ben Ali, S., Draxler, A., Poelzl, D. et al. Analysis of transcriptomic differences between NK603 maize and near-isogenic varieties using RNA sequencing and RT-qPCR. Environ Sci Eur 32, 132 (2020).

Myskja, B. and Myhr, A.I. (2020) «Non‑safety Assessments of Genome‑Edited Organisms: Should They be Included in Regulation?«, Science and Engineering Ethics,

Sant’Ana RRA, Caprestano CA, Nodari RO, Agapito-Tenfen SZ. PEG-Delivered CRISPR-Cas9 Ribonucleoproteins System for Gene-Editing Screening of Maize Protoplasts. Genes (Basel). 2020 Sep 2;11(9):1029. doi: 10.3390/genes11091029. PMID: 32887261; PMCID: PMC7564243.

Zanatta, C.B., Benevenuto, R.F., Nodari, R.O. et al. Stacked genetically modified soybean harboring herbicide resistance and insecticide rCry1Ac shows strong defense and redox homeostasis disturbance after glyphosate-based herbicide application. Environ Sci Eur32, 104 (2020).

Book chapters

Agapito-Tenfen, S., Okoli, A.S., Bernstein, M., Wikmark, O.-G. and Myhr, A.I. in Sprink, T., Wilhelm, R. A., Spök, A., Robienski, J., Schleissing, S., Schiemann, J. H., eds. (2020). Plant Genome Editing – Policies and Governance. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88963-670-9

Myhr A.I., Grønsberg I.M., Okoli A.S. (2020) Norway—The Norwegian Gene Technology Act: Presenting Case Studies to Illustate the Act’s Advances in Protecting Biodiversity. In: Chaurasia A., Hawksworth D.L., Pessoa de Miranda M. (eds) GMOs. Topics in Biodiversity and Conservation, vol 19. Springer, Cham.



Antonsen, T. og Dassler, T. (2020) Operasjonalisering av etikk-kriteriet i genteknologiloven: Behov for etisk ekspertise og et representativt utvalg av etiske verdier i saksbehandling, Policy brief, GenØk – Senter for biosikkerhet, Tromsø.

Ullmann, I. F et al. (2020) Antimicrobial resistance in marine mammals: Targeted PCR and metagenomic analysis. Project report, M-1641|2020, GenØk, Tromsø, Norway.

Wikmark, O.-G. (2020) Antimicrobial resistance in natural environments: status of GenØk research and future recommendations. GenØk-report, Tromsø, Norway.

Antonsen, T., Bakkelund, T.B., Kjeldaas, S. and Wikmark, O.G. (2020) Problematisk undersøkelse om genredigering, Nationen 29.04.20

Antonsen, T., Bakkelund, T.B., Dassler, T. and Kjeldaas, S. (2020) Hva mener nordmenn egentlig om genmodifisert mat? Aftenposten Viten, 19.05.20

Blix, T. og Sandvik, H.M. (2020) CRISPR – et skifte i norsk lakseoppdrett? Norsk fiskeoppdrett 6/7 2020.

Preston, C.P. and Antonsen, T. (2020) Ethicists: We need more flexible tools for evaluating gene-edited food, The Conversation, May 2020


Innspill til Klima- og miljødepartementet sin høring vedrørende forskrift om klinisk utprøving og utlevering av GMO-legemidler til behandling eller forebygging av covid-19

Innspill til Klima- og miljødepartementets forslag til endringer i Genteknologiloven av 2. april 1993 nr. 38 om fremstilling og bruk av genmodifiserte organismer m.m.
Grønsberg, I. et al., 03.08.20

Kommentar til høring om forslag til endringer i forskrift om konsekvensutredning etter genteknologiloven
Grønsberg, I., Myhr, A.I. and Wikmark, O.G. 19.05.20

Public Consultation on EFSA Scientific Opinion on Synthetic Biology developments in Plants, molecular characterization (MC) and environmental risk assessment (ERA) aspects
Agapito-Tenfen, S. 04.06.20

Public consultation – Applicability of the EFSA opinion on site-directed nucleases type 3 for the safety assessment of plants developed using site-directed nucleases type 1 and 2 and oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis
Agapito-Tenfen, S. and Grønsberg, I. 04.06.20


Publications 2019

Antonsen, T. and Lundestad, E. (2019) «Borgmann and the Non-Neutrality of Technology«, Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology, 23:1 (2019), 83-103

Eltemsah, Y.S. and Bøhn, T. (2019) «Acute and chronic effects of polystyrene microplastics on juvenile and adult Daphnia magna«, Environmental Pollution, Volume 254, Part A, November 2019, 112919,

Grieger K. et al. (2019) Sustainable Environmental Remediation Using NZVI by Managing Benefit-Risk Trade-Offs. In: Phenrat T., Lowry G. (eds) Nanoscale Zerovalent Iron Particles for Environmental Restoration. Springer, Cham,

Lombi, E., Donner, E., Dusinska, M. and Wickson, F. (2019) “A One Health approach to managing the applications and implications of nanotechnologies in agricultureNature Nanotechnology 14: 523-531

Rivera López, F., Wickson, F. & Helen Hausner, V. Bridging different perspectives for biocultural conservation: art-based participatory research on native maize conservation in two indigenous farming communities in Oaxaca, Mexico. Environ Dev Sustain (2019) doi:10.1007/s10668-019-00530-1

Preston, Christopher and Wickson, Fern. (2019). “Ethics and Governance” in H. Dressel (Ed) Gene Drives: A report on their science, applications, social aspects, ethics and regulations. Critical Scientists Switzerland, European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility and Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler. Available at

Venter, H. (2018) Antimicrobial resistance in the marine environment: MIC profiles of bacteria isolated from whale and seal faeces. Project report, M-1260|2019, GenØk, Tromsø, Norway.

Books/book chapters

Antonsen, T., Lundestad, E., Wickson, F. (2019) The rewriting of human/nature relations through genome editing, in Vinnari, E. and Vinnari, M. (eds) Sustainable governance and management of food systems. Wageningen Academic publishers, pp. 101-106.

Kjølberg, K., Wickson, F. (eds) (2019) Nano meets Macro: Social Perspectives on Nanoscale Sciences and Technologies, Jenny Stanford Publishing, ebook,

Myhr, A. I. (2019) Sustainability and societal utility in non-safety assessment of gene-edited organisms, in Vinnari, E. and Vinnari, M. (eds) Sustainable governance and management of food systems. Wageningen Academic publishers, pp. 221-226.

Myhr, A. I., Myskja, B. (2019) Gene-edited organisms should be assessed for sustainability, ethics and societal impacts, in Vinnari, E. and Vinnari, M. (eds) Sustainable governance and management of food systems. Wageningen Academic publishers, pp. 99-103.

Wickson, F., Gillund, F. and Myhr, A.I. (2019) Treating Nanoparticles with Precaution: The Importance of Recognising Qualitative Uncertainty in Scientific Risk Assessment. In: Nano goes macro, Social Perspectives on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Eds Kjølberg, K., Wickson, F. Jenny Stanford Publishing, ebook,

Debate/popular science/correspondence

Agapito-Tenfen, S. (2019) «Kunnskap om genredigering«, debattinnlegg Nationen, 04.09.19

Agapito-Tenfen, S. (2019) «Genredigering av storfe«, debattinnlegg Nationen, 16.09.19

Bakkelund, T.B. (2019) Hva mener tromsøværinger om GMO?, kronikk, Nordlys, 08.11.19

Nordgård, L., Myhr, A.I. and Nielsen, K. (2019) «Antibiotikaresistens finnes også i miljøet rundt Tromsø«. Nordlys, 23.07.19.


Okoli, A.S. and Zubair, N. (2019) On sustainable introduction of genome-editing in Norwegian salmon aquaculture – Report from a GenØk-hosted stakeholder workshop. Project report, GenØk, Tromsø, Norway.


Publications 2018

Articles in peer reviewed journals

Agapito-Tenfen, S., Okoli, A.S., Bernstein, M., Wikmark, O.-G. and Myhr, A.I. (2018) Revisiting Risk Governance of GM Plants: The Need to Consider New and Emerging Gene-Editing Techniques, Front. Plant Sci. | doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01874.

Agapito-Tenfen, S.Z., Vilperte, V., Traavik, T.I., Nodari, R. (2018) Systematic miRNome profiling reveals differential microRNAs in transgenic maize metabolism. Environmental Sciences Europe,

Ben Ali, S.E., Schamann, A., Dobrovolny, S., Indra, A., AgapitoTenfen, S.Z.Hochegger, R., Haslberger, A.G., Brandes, C. (2018) Genetic and epigenetic characterization of the cry1Ab coding region and its 3 anking genomic region in MON810 maize using next-generation sequencing, European Food Research and Technology,

Binimelis, R. and Wickson, F. (2018) “The troubled relationship between GMOs and beekeeping: an exploration of socioeconomic impacts in Spain and Uruguay” Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems (published online 17 September 2018)

Rivera Lopez, F.; Wickson, F.; Hausner, V.H. Finding CreativeVoice: Applying Arts-Based Research in the Context of Biodiversity Conservation. Sustainability 2018, 10, 1778.

Okoli, A.; Okeke, M.I.; Tryland, M.; Moens, U. (2018) CRISPR/Cas9—Advancing Orthopoxvirus Genome Editing for Vaccine and Vector Development. Viruses, 10, 50.

Book chapters

Myhr, A. I., Myskja, B. K. (2018) Gene-edited organisms should be assesses for sustainability, ethics and societal impacts. In Professionals in food chain, edited by Springer, S., Grimm, H. Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 99-103

Noer Lie, S. A., and Wickson, F. (2018). «Trans-ecology and Post-sustainability” in Posthumanism: The Future of Homo Sapiens, edited by Michael Bess and Diana Walsh Pasulka. Macmillan Interdisciplinary Handbooks (Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA),  pp. 435-443.

Braun, R. og Bernstein, M. (2018) Policy Brief #1. Responsible research and innovation in H2020. Current Status and Steps Forward.

Nielsen, K.M. et al (2018) Antimicrobial resistance in wildlife – potential for dissemination. Opinion of the panel on Microbial Ecology, VKM rapport 2018:07 ISBN: 978-82-8259-304-5, VKM, Oslo.

Debate/popular science/correspondence

Antoniou, M.N., Mesnage, R., Agapito-Tenfen, S.Z., Seralini, G-E. (2018) Reply to ‘Comments on two recent publications on GM maize and Roundup’. Scientific Reports,

Agapito, S. (2018) Vi må vite mer om Crispr-risikoen, Morgenbladet, 20.07.18

Agapito, S. and Wikmark O.-G. (2018) Kan CRISPR virkelig forårsake kreft?, Morgenbladet, 29.06.18

Wikmark, O.-G. and Myhr, A.I. (2018) Genredigering reguleres som GMO, Nationen, 27.07.18

Wikmark, O.-G., Wickson, F. and Myhr, A.I. (2018) «Genteknologiloven og genredigering: Ja takk, begge deler«, Nationen, 03.01.18


GenØk (2018) Høringsuttalelse: Oppdrag om vitenskapelige vurderinger under forordning (EF) nr 1828/2003

Grønsberg, I. and Myhr, A.I. (2018) Høringsuttalelse av fornyelsessøknad om markedsføring av GM nellik FLORIGENE Moonaqua, 19.11.18

Grønsberg, I., Wikmark, O.-G., Venter, H.J., Okoli, A and Myhr, A. (2018) Innspill til Bioteknologirådets forslag om endring av genteknologiloven, 15.05.18

Blog posts

Wickson, F. (2018) «Finding Transgenes in Maize Landraces«, 09.01.2018

Binimelis, R. (2018) «Presentación de la nueva web interactiva«, 24.04.18


Publications 2017

Articles in peer reviewed journals

Agapito-Tenfen, S., Rivera Lopez, F., Mallah, N., Abou-Slemayne, G., Trtikova M., Nodari, R.O. and Wickson, F. (2017). “Transgene flow in Mexican maize revisited: Socio-biological analysis across two contrasting farmer communities and seed management systems”, Ecology and Evolution 1-12. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.3415 (open access)

Agapito-Tenfen, S. Z. and Wickson, F. (2017) “Challenges for transgene detection in landraces and wild relatives: learning from 15 years of debate over GM maize in MexicoBiodiversity Conservation

Benvenuto, R.F., Agapito-Tenfen, S., Vilperte, V., Wikmark, O.-G., van Rensburg, P. J. and Nodari, N. (2017). “Molecular responses of genetically modified maize to abiotic stresses as determined through proteomic and metabolomic analyses“, PLoS ONE 12(2): e0173069. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0173069 (open access)

Bøhn, T. and Lövei, G.L. (2017). ”Complex outcomes from insect and weed control wit transgenic plants: ecological surprises?”, Frontiers in Environmental Science 5: 1-8. (Open access)

Bøhn, T. (2018). Criticism of EFSA’s scientific opinion on combinatorial effects of ‘stacked’ GM plants. Food and Chemical Toxicology 111, 268-274. (open access)

Catacora-Vargas, G., Binimelis, R., Myhr, A.I. and Wynne, B. (2017) Socioeconomic research on genetically modied crops: a study of the literature, Agriculture and Human Values

Cuhra, M., Bøhn, T. and Cuhra, P. (2017). In plastico: Laboratory material newness affects growth and reproduction of Daphnia magna reared in 50-ml polypropylene tubes, Scientific Reports 7, 46442. DOI: 10.1038/srep46442 (open access)

Domingues, S. and Nielsen, K.M. (2017). Membrane vesicles and horizontal gene transfer in prokaryotes“, Current Opinion in Microbiology Volume 38, page 16-21.

Herrero, A., Binimelis, R. and Wickson, F. (2017). “Just existing is resisting: The everyday struggle against the expansion of GM crops in Spain, Sociologia Ruralis DOI: 10.1111/soru.12166 (open access)

Hjorth, R., van Hove, L. and Wickson, F. (2017). “What can nanosafety learn from drug development? The feasibility of “safety by design”“, Nanotoxicology.

Ngu LN, Nji NN, Ambada G, Ngoh AA, Njambe Priso GD, Tchadji JC, Lissom A, Magagoum SH, Sake CN, Tchouangueu TF, Chukwuma GO, Okoli AS, Sagnia B, Chukwuanukwu R, Tebit DM, Esimone CO, Waffo AB, Park CG, Überla K, Nchinda GW (2017). Dendritic cell targeted HIV-1 gag protein vaccine provides help to a recombinant Newcastle disease virus vectored vaccine including mobilization of protective CD8+ T cells. Immun Inflamm Dis. 2017. doi: 10.1002/iid3.209

Ntozonke,N., Okaiyeto, K., Okoli, A., Olaniran, A., Nwodo, U. and Okoh, A. (2017). A Marine Bacterium, Bacillus sp. Isolated from the Sediment Samples of Algoa Bay in South Africa Produces a Polysaccharide-Bioflocculant. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14(14):1149 DOI 10.3390/ijerph14101149 (open access)

Okeke, M.I.; Okoli, A.S.; Diaz, D.; Offor, C.; Oludotun, T.G.; Tryland, M.; Bøhn, T.; Moens, U. (2017) Hazard Characterization of Modified Vaccinia Virus Ankara Vector: What Are the Knowledge Gaps? Viruses, 9, 318.

Pascual, U., Balvanera, P., Díaz, S., Pataki, G., Roth, E., Stenseke, M., Watson, R. T., Dessane, E. B., Islar, M., Kelemen, E., Maris, V., Quaas, M., Subramanian, S. M., Wittmer, H., Adlan, A., Hahn, S., Al-Hafedh, Y. S., Amankwah, E., Asah, S. T., Berry, P., Bilgen, A., Breslow, S. J., Bullock, C., Caceres, D., Daly-Hassen, H., Figueroa, E., Golden, C. D., Gomez-Baggethun, E., May, P. H., Mead, A., O’Farrell, P., Pandit, R., Pengue, W., Pichis-Madruga, R., Popa, F., Preston, S., Pacheco-Balanza, D., Saarikoski, H., Strassburg, B. B., van den Belt, M., Verma, M., Wickson, F. and Yagi, N. (2017). “Valuing nature’s contributions to people: the IPBES approach”, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 26:7-16. (open access)

Ševců, A., El-Temsah, Y.S., Filip, J., Joner, E.J., Bobčíková, K. and Černík, M. (2017). ”Zero-valent iron particles for PCB degradation and an evaluation of their effects on bacteria, plants, and soil organisms”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research. doi:10.1007/s11356-017-9699-5

van Hove, L. and Gillund, F. (2017). “Is it only the regulatory status? Broadening the debate on cisgenic plants”, Environ Sci Eur 29 (22). doi:10.1186/s12302-017-0120-2 (open access)

van Hove, L. and Wickson, F. (2017). “Responsible Research Is Not Good Science: Divergences Inhibiting the Enactment of RRI in Nanosafety“, Nanoethics published online 21 September 2017. DOI 10.1007/s11569-017-0306-5

Wickson, F., Preston, C., Binimelis, R., Herrero, A. Hartley, S., Wynberg, R., and Wynne, B. (2017). “Addressing socio-economic and ethical considerations in biotechnology governance: The potential of a new politics of care” Food Ethics. DOI 10.1007/s41055-017-0014-4 (open access)



Nordgård, L. et. al. (2017) Antimicrobial resistance in selected environments in Norway M-736/2017 GenØk, 43 pages

Nordgård, L. et al. (2017) Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance Marker Genes (ARMG) in Selected Environments in Norway – Reindeer, M909|2017, December 2017, GenØk, 21 pages

Malachy, O. (2017) Policy brief: Genetically attenuated malaria vaccines and the need for safety assessments, se


Assessment of the technical dossier submitted under EFSA/GMO/DE/2017/142.
Application filed by Syngenta Crop Protection for maize MZIR098.
Read assessment

GenØks inputs to the EEA research collaboration with Romania and Norway Grants
Read inputs

GenØks input to the Norwegian Research Council strategy on research and innovation in Northern Norway

Assessment of the technical dossier submitted under C/F/96.05.10
Application filed by Syngenta Seeds SAS for maize line BT11
Read assessment

Assessment of the technical dossier submitted under C/ES/01/01
Application filed by Pioneer Hi-Bred International and Mycogen Seeds for maize line 1507
Read assessment

Assessment of the technical dossier submitted under EFSA/GMO/NL/2013/113
Application filed by Monsanto Europe S.A./N.V. for maize MON89034 x 1507 x MON88017 x 59122 x DAS-40278-9
Read assessment

Assessment of the technical dossier submitted under EFSA/GMO/NL/2016/136
Application filed by Dow AgroSciences LLC for DAS-81910-7 cotton
Read assessment

Assessment of application for renewal of authorization of EFSA/GMO/RX/007
Application filed by Monsanto Europe S.A./N.V. for NK603 x MON810 maize
Read assessment

Assessment of application for renewal of authorization of EFSA/GMO/RX/006
Application filed by Monsanto Europe S.A./N.V. for H7-1 sugar beet
Read assessment

Assessment of application for renewal of authorization of EFSA/GMO/RX/005
Application filed by Syngenta France SAS for maize GA21
Read assessment

Assessment of application for renewal of authorization of EFSA/GMO/BE/2016/138
Application filed by Bayer CropScience LP for MS11 oilseed rape
Read assessment

Assessment of application for renewal of authorization of EFSA/GMO/NL/2016/132
Application filed by Dow AgroSciences Europe for soy DAS-81419-2 x DAS-44406-6
Read assessment

Assessment of application for renewal of authorization of EFSA/GMO/DE/2016/137
Application filed by Syngenta Crop Protection NV/SA for maize GA21 x T25
Read assessment

Assessment of application for renewal of authorization of EFSA/GMO/NL/2013/115
Application filed by Dow AgroSciences Europe for soy DAS-68416-4 x MON89788
Read assessment

Assessment of application for renewal of authorization of EFSA/GMO/NL/2016/135
Application filed by Monsanto Europe S.A/N.V for soy MON87708 x MON89788 x A5547-127
Read assessment

Assessment of application for renewal of authorization of EFSA/GMO/NL/2016/134
Application filed by Monsanto Europe S.A/N.V for maize MON87427 x MON87460 x MON89034 x MIR162 x NK603
Read assessment

Assessment of application for renewal of authorization of EFSA/GMO/DE/2016/133
Application filed by Syngenta Crop Protection NV/SA for maize MZHG0JG
Read assessment

Assessment of application for renewal of authorization of EFSA/GMO/RX/002
Application filed by Monsanto Europe S.A for GT73 oilseed rape
Read assessment

Assessment of the technical dossier submitted under EFSA/GMO/NL/112
Application filed by Monsanto Company for maize MON89034 x 1507 x NK603 x DAS-40278-9
Read assessment

Assessment of application for renewal of authorization of EFSA/GMO/RX/004
Application filed by Bayer CropScience GmbH. for oilseed rape MS8, RF3 and MS8xRF3
Read assessment


Debate/popular science

Jaklin, K. (2017) «Bakterier kan rense forurenset vann«,, 31.07.17

Ludvigsen, S. (2017) ”Bioteknologi forandrer samfunnet”, Nordlys 28.08.17

Myhr, A.I. (2017) «Biosikkerhet og bærekraft ved bruk av genredigering«, Nationen, 17.10.17



Myhr, A.I. i Vårt Land 25.01.2017. “Her står morgendagens bioetiske slag

Myhr, A.I. i Dagsnytt 18 06.12.17. ” Endring av genteknologiloven”.


Films produced by GenØk projects

Herrero, A., Binimelis, R. and Wickson, F. (2017). “Existing is Resisting“ (English version), the Agri/Cultures project.

Herrero, A., Binimelis, R. and Wickson, F. (2017). “Existir es Resistir“ (Spanish version), the Agri/Cultures project.


Blog posts

Wickson, F. (2017). “Hot Topics at the 13th Meeting of the Convention on Biological Diversity“, 09.01.2017.

Herrero, A. (2017). “Impressions from our Stakeholders Seminar, 14.02.2017.

Binimelis, R. (2017). “Just Existing is Resisting: new paper and short movie published!“, 28.02.2017.

Wickson, F. (2017). “What Breeding Techniques are Appropriate for Organic Agriculture?“, 06.03.2017.

Herrero, A. (2017). “Gatekeepers of the maize web: dryers and silos“, 21.03.2017.

Binimelis, R. (2017). “Seeds and sovereignty“, 03.04.2017.

Herrero, A. (2017). “The Verdict of the International Monsanto Tribunal“, 19.04.2017.

Wickson, F. (2017). “Mother Nature Needs Her Daughters“, 24.04.2017.

Binimelis, R. (2017). “The future of food“, 03.05.2017.

Herrero, A. (2017). “Reorganising Power for Systems Change“, 09.05.2017.

Herrero, A. (2017). “A taste of the amazing world of honey bees“, 05.06.2017.

Binimelis, R. (2017). “Field work in Mexico“, 15.09.2017.

Wickson, F. (2017). “Policy Brief on a Politics of Care for Biotechnology“, 19.09.2017.

Herrero, A. (2017) «Countdown to release our interactive website«, 10.10.2017

Wickson, F. (2017) «Severe Budget Cut for GenØk«, 23.10.2017

Herrero, A. (2017) «GM in Spain (infographic)«, 12.11.17

Binimelis, R. (2017) «Exploring the Art-Science-Sustainability nexus with poetic analysis«, 20.11.2017

Wickson, F. (2017) «Grant Applications & Managing the Stress of Academic Life«, 29.11.2017 .

Binimelis, R. (2017) «We published a new paper!«, 11.12.2017


Publications 2016

Articles in peer reviewed journals

Andreassen, M., Bøhn., T., Wikmark, O.G., Bodin, J., Traavik, T., Løvik, M., Nygaard, U.C. (2016). “Investigations of immunogenic, allergenic and adjuvant properties of Cry1Ab protein after intragastric exposure in a food allergy model in mice, BMC Immunology 17:10. DOI 10.1186/s12865-016-0148-x (open access)

Binimelis, R. and Myhr, A.I. (2016). “Inclusion and implementation of socio-economic considerations in GMO regulations: Needs and recommendations, Sustainability, 8,62. DOI:10.3390/su8010062 (open access)

Borruso, L., Harms, K., Johnsen, P. J., Nielsen, K.M. and Brusetti, L. (2016). “Distribution of class 1 integrons in a highly impacted catchment, Science of the Total Environment. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.06.054

Bøhn, T., Rover, C.M. and Semenchuk, P. (2016). “Daphnia magna negatively affected by chronic exposure to purified Cry-toxins. Food and Chemical Toxicology 91:130-140. DOI: 10.1016/j.fct.2016.03.009

Bøhn, T., Aheto, D. W, Mwangala, F. S., Fischer, K., Bones, I. L., Simoloka, C., Mbeule, I., Schmidt, G. and Breckling, B. (2016). “Pollen-mediated gene flow and seed exchange in smallscale Zambian maize farming, implications for biosafety assessment, Scientific Reports 6:34483, 1-12. DOI:10.1038/srep34483 (open access)

Cuhra, M., Bøhn, T. and Cuhra, P. (2016). “Glyphosate: Too Much of a Good Thing?, Frontiers in Environmental Science. Review Article 4:28. DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2016.00028 (open access)

Gillund, F., Myhr, A., Utskarpen, A. and Hilbeck, A. (2016). “Stakeholder views on issues to consider when assessing the sustainability of genetically modified potato, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 14, 357-376 DOI: 10.1080/14735903.2016.1140013 (open access)

Harms, K., Lunnan, A., Hülter, N., Mourier, T., Vinner, L., Andam, C.P., Marttinen, P., Fridholm, H., Hansen, A. J., Hanage, W. P., Nielsen, K.M., Willerslev, E., Johnsen, P. J. (2016). “Substitutions of short heterologous DNA segments of intra- or extragenomic origins produce clustered genomic polymorphisms“, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1615819114

Hartley, S., Gillund, F., van Hove, L. and Wickson, F. (2016). Essential Features of Responsible Governance of Agricultural Biotechnology, PLoS Biology 14(5): e1002453. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1002453 (open access)

Iversen, M., Myhr, A.I. and Wargelius, A. (2016). “Approaches for delaying sexual maturation in salmon and their possible ecological and ethical implications, Journal of Applied Aquaculture, 28, 330-369. DOI:10.1080/10454438.2016.1212756

Klabunde, G.H.F., Junkes, C.F.O., Agapito-Tenfen, S. Z., Dantas, A.C.M., Furlan, C.R.C., Mantovani, A., Denardi, F., Boneti, J.I. and Nodari, R.O. (2016). “Genetic diversity and apple leaf spot disease resistance characterization assessed by SSR markers, Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology – 16: 189-196.

Mesnage, R., Agapito-Tenfen, S., Vilperte, V., Renney, G., Ward, M., Séralini, G.E., Nodari, N. and Antoniou, M.N. (2016). “An integrated multi-omics analysis of the NK603 Roundup-tolerant GM maize reveals metabolism disturbances caused by the transformation process“, Scientific Reports, 2016; 6:37855. (open access)

Myhr, A.I. (2016). “DNA Vaccines: Regulatory Considerations and Safety Aspects, Current Issues in Molecular Biology, Oct 5:22, 79-88. DOI: (open access)

Nascimento-Gavioli, M. C. A., Agapito-Tenfen, S. Z., Nodari, R. O. Welter, L. J., Mora, F. D. S., Saifert, L., da Silva, A. L. and Guerra, M. P. (2016). “Proteome of Plasmopara viticola-infected Vitis vinifera provides insights into grapevine Rpv1/Rpv3 pyramided resistance to downy mildew, Journal of Proteomics. DOI:10.1016/j.jprot.2016.05.024

Okaiyeto, K., Mabinya, L.V., Nwodo, U.U., Okoli, A. and Okoh, A.I. (2016). “Implications for public health demands alternatives to inorganic and synthetic flocculants: Bioflocculants as important candidates, Microbiology Open. doi: 10.1002/mbo3.334.

Okaiyeto, K., Nwodo, U.U., Okoli, A., Mabinya, L.V. and Okoh, A.I. (2016). “Studies on a Bioflocculant Production by Bacillus sp. AEMREG7, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 25(1): 236-245. DOI: 10.15244/pjoes/59331

Preston, C. and Wickson, F. (2016). “Broadening the lens for the governance of emerging technologies: Care ethics and agricultural biotechnology, Technology in Society 45:48-57. DOI:10.1016/j.techsoc.2016.03.001

Rosendal, K., Myhr, A.I., Tvedt, M. W. (2016). “Access and Benefit Sharing Legislation for Marine Bioprospecting: Lessons From Australia for the Role of Marbank in Norway, The Journal of World Intellectual Property, 19, issue 1-2, 86-98. Version of Record online: 6 JUN 2016 DOI: 10.1111/jwip.12058

Seternes, T., Tonheim, T.C., Myhr, A.I. & Dalmo, R.A. (2016). “A plant 35S CaMV promoter induces long-term expression of luciferase in Atlantic salmon, Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 25096. DOI:10.1038/srep25096 (open access)

Venter, H.J. and Bøhn, T. (2016). “Interactions between Bt crops and aquatic ecosystems: A review“, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 35:2891-2902. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3583

Vilperte, V., Agapito-Tenfen, S.Z., Wikmark, O.-G. and Nodari, R.O. (2016). “Levels of DNA methylation and transcript accumulation in leaves of transgenic maize varieties, Environmental Sciences Europe 28:29. DOI 10.1186/s12302-016-0097-2 (open access)

Wickson, F. (2016). “Do We Care About Synbiodiversity? Questions arising from an investigation into whether there are GM crops in the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. DOI 10.1007/s10806-016-9634-7 (open access)

Wickson, F.Binimelis, R. and Herrero, A. (2016). “Should Organic Agriculture Maintain Its Opposition to GM? New Techniques Writing the Same Old Story“, Sustainability , 8(11), 1105; doi:10.3390/su8111105 (open access)



Agapito-Tenfen, S.Z. (2016). Biosafety aspects of genome-editing techniquesTWN and ACB Policy Briefing November 2016.

Gillund, F. and Myhr, A.I. (2016). Important Considerations for Sustainability, Social utility and Ethical Assessment of Late Blight Resistant GM Potato, Biosafety Report 01/16, GenØk-Centre for Biosafety, Tromsø, Norway. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3548.9369

Nordgård, L. et al (2016) «Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance Marker Genes (ARMG) in Selected Environments in Norway M-675|2016«, Commissioned by the Norwegian Environment Agency, December 2016.

Okeke, M.I
. (2016). Climate Changes and Emerging Wildlife-Borne Viruses in Norway – a follow up report on major knowledge gaps and research needs, GenØk – Centre for Biosafety. October 2016.

Okoli, A., Asare, A, Gjøen, T., Klein, J. and Ytrehus, B. (2016). Knowledge base for the assessment of environmental risks by the use of genetically modified virus-vectored vaccines for domesticated animals, Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Microbial Ecology of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety. ISBN: 978-82-8259-239-0

Skaar, I., Asare, N., Klein, J., Okoli, A. and Ruus, A. (2016). Health and risk evaluation of microorganisms used in bioremediation, Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Microbial Ecology of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety, ISBN: 978-82-8259-232-1, Oslo, Norway.

Wikmark, O.-G., Brautaset, T., Agapito-Tenfen, S.Z., Okoli, A.S., Myhr, A.I., Binimelis, R. and Ching, L.L. (2016). Synthetic biology – biosafety and contribution to addressing societal challenges, Biosafety Report 02/16, GenØk-Centre for Biosafety, Tromsø, Norway, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29987.25121


Book Chapters

Binimelis, R.Wickson, F.  and Herrero, A. (2016). Agricultural coexistence, in Thompson, P.B. and Kaplan, D.M. (eds), Encyclopedia of food and agricultural ethics. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. pp. 1-6

Bøhn, T., Cuhra, M., Fagan, J. and Traavik, T. (2016). Are ready for market genetically modified, conventional and organic soybeans substantially equivalent as food and feed?, p. 181-191 in: Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Foods: Production, Regulation and Public Health. Eds. Ronald Watson and Victor Preedy.

Domingues, S. and Nielsen, K.M. (2016). Horizontal Gene Transfer: Uptake of Extracellular DNA by Bacteria, Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences. Elsevier. 5-Oct-2016 doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-801238-3.99485-6.

Haugen, H.M. and Bøhn, T. (2016). Genetically Modified Food Worldwide IP challenges, in: Elsevier Food Science Reference Module. Ed. Smithers, G.

Wickson, F. (2016). Cultivating the New Garden of Eden“, Program of the Article Biennial for Electronic and Unstable Art: “New Eden” (i/o/lab – Senter for Framtidskunst: Gunnarshaug Trykkeri)



GenØks comments on report on national guidelines for open access to scientific results
Read comments

GenØks comments to the Norwegian report on 2030 agenda for sustainable development
Read comments

GenØks comments to the Draft report on Technological solutions to sustainable agriculture in the EU (2015/2225(INI))
Read comments

Submitted peer-review to the following reports on synthetic biology UNEP/CBD/SYNBIO/AHTEG/2015/1/3 and  UNEP/CBD/SYNBIO/AHTEG/ 2015/1/2 for consideration by CBD’s SBSTTA
Read submission

Assessment of the technical dossier submitted under EFSA/GMO/RX/003
Application filed by Pioneer Overseas Corporation and Dow Agrosciences Europe Ltd. for maize DAS-59122-7
Read assessment

Assessment of the technical dossier submitted under EFSA/GMO/NL/2014/122
Application filed by Bayer CropScience LP for cotton GHB614xT304-40xGHB119
Read assessment

Assessment of the technical dossier submitted under C/NL/04/02_001
Application filed by  Suntory Flowers Limited for approval of carnation FLO-40644-6
Read assessement

Assessment of the technical dossier submitted under EFSA/GMO/NL/2016/131
Application filed by Monsanto Company (Europe S.A.) for approval of maize MON87427 x MON89034 x MIR162 x NK603
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier submitted under EFSA/GMO/DE/2016/130
Application filed by Genective for maize VCO-Ø1981-5
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier submitted under EFSA/GMO/NL/2015/127
Application filed by Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc. for maize 1507 x MIR162 x MON810 x NK603
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier submitted under EFSA/GMO/NL/2015/126
Application filed by Monsanto Company for soy MON87705 x MON87708 x MON89788
Read assessment



Bøhn, T. (2016). Er verden klar til å bestemme seg for fremtidens (syntetiske) liv?, 10.12.2016 Republisert i Teknisk Ukeblad, 16.12.16

Bøhn, T. (2016). Rent oppspinn om forskning på GMO, kronikk i Dagbladet 01.11.16.

Bøhn, T. (2016). Sprøytemiddel-restene verden glemte“, 24.05.16

Gillund, F. (2016). Tørròte gjev norske potetbønder milliontap og fører til omfattande bruk av sprøytemiddel. Ei genmodifisert potet kan kanskje bidra til å løyse problemet, men lova krev at ein vurderer om ho bidreg til berekraft. Korleis gjer ein det?, kronikk i Genialt 30.08.2016.

Gillund, F. 
(2016). Genetic modification to fight potato late blight, 25.11.16

Gillund, F. and A.I. Myhr (2016). Dobbel GMO-moral, 16.04.16 Klassekampen

Gillund, F. and A.I. Myhr (2016). Genmodifisert mais – fortsatt uavklarte svar, 09.05.16 Klassekampen

Gillund, F. and Wickson, F. (2016). Slik bruker vi GMO på en ansvarlig måte, 27.05.16

Myhr, A.I. (2016). Forskningsinstitutt fremmer udokumenterte påstander om GenØk og GMO, 31.10.16 Dagbladet

Myhr, A.I. (2016). Bioteknologi kan løse mange av de utfordringene vi står overfor i dag, Dagbladet 12.10.2016.

Myhr, A.I., Grønsberg, I.M. and Wikmark O.-G. (2016). Si nei til genmodifisert mais, NRK Ytring, 28.09.16

Myhr, A.I. and Dalmo R. (2016). Plantevirus kan redde laksen. 13.06.16

Myhr, A.I. and Myskja, B. K. (2016). Genredigering og matnyttig etikk, Nationen 16.11.16

Myhr, A.I. and Olsvik. Ø. (2016). Genmodifisert mygg kan bekjempe zika-viruset, UiT helseblogg 15.02.16. Re-published at 24.02.16.

Rosendal, K., Walløe Tvedt, M. and Myhr, A.I. (2016). Dra til Australia, Per Sandberg!, kronikk, Dagens Næringsliv, 30.09.16. Re-published in Bladet Vesterålen (05.10.16) and Nord24/Nordlys (06.10.16). (open access)

Utnes, A., Støback, M.B. and Nordgård, L. (2016). Kan genmodifiserte planter gi oss flere antibiotikaresistene bakterier?, 03.11.2016.

Wickson, F. (2016). Should genetically modified organisms be part of our conservation efforts?, The Conversation.

Wikmark, O.-G. (2016). Hvem tar GM-regningen?, Nationen 19.04.16

Wikmark, O.-G. (2016). Hvem skal betale prisen for genmodifisert mais i Norge?, 28.04.16



Bøhn, T. i 12.09.16 Uenige om GMO-mais er farlig for miljøet.

Gillund, F. i Bondebladet 18.02.16 Må forske, ikke bare frykte GMO.

Myhr, A.I. i tidsskriftet GENialt 14.04.2016 Genredigert mat – en juridisk nøtt.

Myhr, A.I. i Morgenbladet 20.05.16 Genmanipulert, og trygt.

Myhr, A.I. i Nationen 30.06.16 110 nobelprisvinnere ber miljøvernere oppgi GMO-motstanden.

Wickson, F. i Nationen 08.06.16 Åtvarar mot GMO-mais.


Films produced by GenØk projects

Herrero, A., Binimelis, R. and Wickson, F. (2016). “GM Detection“ (English version), the Agri/Cultures Project.

Herrero, A., Binimelis, R. and Wickson, F. (2016). “Detección de transgénicos“ (Spanish version), the Agri/Cultures Project.



Blog posts

Wickson, F. (2016). “A New Era for GM Crop Regulation in Europe?”, 04.01.2016.

Binimelis, R. (2016). “The organic sector urges the Commission to classify new genetic engineering techniques as GMOs: Press release by IFOAM Europe”, 15.01.2016.

Binimelis, R. (2016). “IPES-Food: 10 principles to guide the transition to Sustainable Food Systems”, 25.01.2016.

Binimelis, R. (2016). “Derechos de propiedad intelectual sobre la biodiversidad cultivada”, 01.02.2016.

Herrero, A. (2016). “Controversy Reloaded: GM 2.0 or the New Plant Breeding Techniques (NBTs)”, 01.03.2016.

Wickson, F. (2016). “Paper Published…and therefore no longer ours”, 21.03.2016.

Herrero, A. (2016). “Undisciplined Environments and Food as Commons”, 04.04.2016.

Binimelis, R. (2016). “Managing agricultural landscapes to improve resilience”, 13.04.2016.

Binimelis, R. (2016). “Seminar on Critical Perspectives on GMOs at Cape Town University”, 26.04.2016.

Herrero, A. (2016). “Talk on maize for human consumption in Lleida (Catalonia – Spain)”, 16.05.2016.

Wickson, F. (2016). “Responsible Governance of (New) Agricultural Biotechnologies”, 23.05.2016.

Binimelis, R. (2016). “Confusing statistics regarding GM maize in Spain”, 27.05.2016.

Herrero, A. (2016). “Bridging science and society with movie animations”, 13.06.2016.

Wickson, F. (2016). “GMOs: Assessing Social and Ethical Aspects”, 20.06.2016.

Herrero, A. (2016). “Engaging in Science Journalism”, 12.07.2016.

Wickson, F. (2016) “Dwelling on Definitions and Drawing Lines of Distinction”, 18.07.2016.

Binimelis, R. (2016). “Lack of organic maize statistics in Spain”, 02.08.2016.

Herrero, A. (2016). “Attending the World Congress of Rural Sociology: Connections and Complexities of Sustainable and Just Rural Transitions”, 09.08.2016.

Herrero, A. (2016). “Systems perspective on GMOs at the EASST Conference”, 05.09.2016.

Binimelis, R. (2016). “‘The social and political life of seeds’ at the AIBR Conference”, 12.09.2016.

Wickson, F. (2016). “Getting tongue-tied in the task of popular science communication”, 19.09.2016.

Binimelis, R. (2016). “In context trajectories: participation in an international symposium in Paris”, 10.10.2016.

Wickson, F. (2016). “Keeping Up With New and Emerging Technologies”, 17.10.2016.

Herrero, A. (2016). “New paper published! Should Organic Agriculture Maintain Its Opposition to GM? New Techniques Writing the Same Old Story”, 31.10.2016.

Binimelis, R. (2016). “No women farming maize in Spain”, 09.11.2016.

Wickson, F. (2016). “Do GMOs have conservation value?”, 14.11.2016.

Herrero, A. (2016). “Some lessons on using short movies as scientific communication tools”, 28.11.2016.


Publications 2015

Articles in peer reviewed journals

Andreassen, M., Bøhn, T., Wikmark, O.-G., Van den Berg, J., Løvik, M., Traavik, T. and Nygaard, U.C. (2015). “Cry1Ab protein from Bacillus thuringiensis and MON810 cry1Ab-transgenic maize exerts no adjuvant effect after airway exposure”, Scandinavian Journal of Immunology. DOI: 10.1111/sji.12269

Cuhra, M. (2015). «Review of GMO safety assessment studies: glyphosate residues in Roundup Ready crops is an ignored issue«, Environmental Sciences Europe 2015, 27:20. doi:10.1186/s12302-015-0052-7

Cuhra, M. (2015) «Glyphosate nontoxicity: the genesis of a scientific fact«, Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry 09/2015; 15:89–96. DOI: 10.4024/08CU15A.jbpc.15.03

Cuhra, M., Traavik, T., Dando, M., Primicerio, R., Holderbaum, D. and Bøhn, T. (2015). «Glyphosate-residues in Roundup-ready soybean impair D. magna life-cycle«, Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment 4: 24-36. DOI: 10.4236/jacen.2015.41003

Eltemsah, Y.S., Sevcu, A., Bobcikova, K., Cernik, M. and Joner, E.J. (2015). “DDT degradation efficiency and ecotoxicological effects of two types of nano-sized zero-valent iron (nZVI) in water and soil”, Chemosphere Volume 144. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2015.10.122 (published online)

Fagan, J., Traavik, T. and Bøhn, T. (2015). «The Séralini affair: the rise of Re-Science?«, Environmental Sciences Europe 27:19. Open access. DOI: 10.1186/s12302-015-0049-2.

Herrerro, A., Wickson, F. and Binimelis, R. (2015). «Seeing GMOs from a Systems Perspective: The Need for Comparative Cartographies of Agri/Cultures for Sustainability Assessment«, Sustainability 2015, 7(8), 11321-11344; doi:10.3390/su70811321

Holderbaum, D.F., Cuhra, M., Wickson, F., Orth, A.I., Nodari, R.O. and Bøhn, T. (2015). “Chronic Responses of Daphnia magna Under Dietary Exposure to Leaves of a Transgenic (Event MON810) Bt-Maize Hybrid and its Conventional Near-Isoline” Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A: Current Issues 78(15): 998-1007. DOI:10.1080/15287394.2015.1037877

Miller, G. and Wickson, F. (2015). “Risk Analysis of Nanomaterials: Exposing Nanotechnology’s Naked Emperor” Review of Policy Research 32(4): 485-512. DOI: 10.1111/ropr.12129

Nydal, R., Myhr A.I. and Myskja, B. (2015). «From ethics of restriction to ethics of construction: ELSA research in Norway«, Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies, 3, 34-45. ISSN: 1894-4647

Okaiyeto, K., Nwodo, U.U., Mabinya, L.V., Okoli, A.S. and Okoh, A.I. (2015). «Characterization of a Bioflocculant (MBF-UFH) Produced by Bacillus sp. AEMREG7«, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2015, 16, 12986-13003; doi:10.3390/ijms160612986

Okaiyeto, K., Nwodo, U.U., Okoli, A.S., Mabinya, L.V. and Okoh, A.I. (2015). “Evaluation of flocculating performance of a thermostable bioflocculant produced by marine Bacillus sp.”, Env Tech. 37(14), 1829–1842. DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2015.1133717

Okeke M.I., Okoli A.S., Eze E.N., Ekwueme G.C., Okosa, E.U and Iroegbu C.U (2015). «Antibacterial activity of Citrus limonium fruit juice extract«, Pak J Pharm Sci, 28(5), 1567-1571. PMID: 26408878

Trtikova, M., Wikmark, O.G., Zemp, N., Widmer, A. and Hilbeck, A. (2015). «Transgene Expression and Bt Protein Content in Transgenic Bt Maize (MON810) under Optimal and Stressful Environmental Conditions«, PLoS One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.012301

Utnes, A.L.G., Sørum, V., Hülter, N., Primicerio, R., Hegstad, J., Kloos, J., Nielsen, K.M. and Johnsen, P.J. (2015). «Growth phase-specific evolutionary benefits of natural transformation in Acinetobacter baylyi«, The ISME Journal (2015), 1–11. DOI: 10.1038

Wickson, F. and Forsberg, E-M. (2015) “Standardising Responsibility? The Significance of Interstitial Spaces”, Science and Engineering Ethics 21(5): 1159-1180. DOI 10.1007/s11948-014-9602-4

Wickson, F., Strand, R., Kjølberg, K. (2015). “The Walkshop Approach to Science and Technology Ethics”, Science and Engineering Ethics 21(1): 241-264. DOI 10.1007/s11948-014-9526-z

Woegerbauer, M., Kuffner, M., Domingues, S. and Nielsen, K.M. (2015). «Involvement of aph (3′) -IIa in the formation of mosaic aminoglycoside resistance genes in natural environments«, Front. Microbiol. 6:442. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00442

Woegerbauer, M., Zeinzinger, J., Gottsberger, R.A., Pascher, K., Hufnagl, P., Indra, A., Fuchs, R., Hofrichter, J., Kopacka, I., Korschineck, I., Schleicher, C., Schwarz, M., Steinwider, J., Springer, B., Allerberger, F., Nielsen, K.M. and Fuchs, K. (2015). «Antibiotic resistance marker genes as environmental pollutants in GMO-pristine agricultural soils in Austria«, Environmental Pollution 206 (2015) 342-351. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2015.07.028.


Other publications in peer reviewed journals

Okaiyeto, K., Nwodo, U.U., Okoli, A.S., Mabinya, L.V. and Okoh, A.I. (2015). “Culture conditions optimization and characterization of a bioflocculant produced by Bacillus sp. isolated from Algoa Bay, South Africa”. J Microbiol Biochem Technol, 5:4. (A published conference proceeding). DOI: 10.4172/1948-5948.S1.014



Agapito-Tenfen, S.Z. and Wikmark, O.-G. (2015). «Current status of emerging technologies for plant breeding: Biosafety and knowledge gaps of site directed nucleases and oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis«, GenØk Biosafety Report 02/15

Gillund, F., Millar, K., Utskarpen, A. and Myhr, A.I. (2015). «Examining the Social And Ethical Issues Raised by Possible Cultivation of Genetically Modified Potato With Late Blight Resistance in Norway«, GenØk Biosafety Report 2015/04

Grønsberg, I.M., Gillund, F., Nordgård, L., Iversen, M., Husby, J., Hilbeck, A. og Myhr, A.I. (2015). «Environmental Risks of Fungus Resistant Oilseed Rape«, GenØk Biosafety Report 2015/01 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4831.3684

Nordgård, L., Bøhn, T., Gillund, F., Grønsberg, I.M., Iversen, M., Myhr, A.I., Okeke, M.I., Okoli, A.S., Venter, H. and Wikmark, O.-G. (2015). «Uncertainty and Knowledge Gaps related to Environmental Risk Assessment of GMOs«, GenØk Biosafety Report 03/15 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1947.7847


Book Chapters

Binimelis, R. and Myhr, A.I. (2015). «Socio-economic considerations in GMO Regulations: opportunities and challenges», in: Dumitras D. E., Jitera, I.M. and Aerts, S. Know your food. Food ethics and innovation. Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 61-67, eISBN: 978-90-8686-813-1, ISBN: 978-90-8686-264-1,

Bøhn, T., Cuhra, M., Fagan, J. and Traavik, T. (2015). «Are ready for market genetically modified, conventional and organic soybeans substantially equivalent as food and feed?», p. 181-191 in: Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Foods: Production, Regulation and Public Health. Eds. Ronald Watson and Victor Preedy. ISBN: 978-0-12-802259-7

Gillund, F., Myhr, A.I. and Hilbeck, A. (2015). «Stakeholder perception on sustainability of genetically modified potato». In: Dumitras D. E., Jitera, I.M. and Aerts, S. Know your food. Food ethics and innovation. Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 55-61.

Grimsrud, E. S., Aarset, B.,  Myhr, A.I., Skagemo, V., Olesen , I. (2015). «Genetic commons and codified commodities: exploring the role of intellectual property rights on genetic resources», in Norwegian biotechnology innovation systems, In: Dumitras D. E., Jitera, I.M. and Aerts, S. Know your food. Food ethics and innovation. Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 163-168, eISBN: 978-90-8686-813-1, ISBN: 978-90-8686-264-1,

Wickson, F. (2015). “The ontological objection to life technosciences” in Science, Philosophy and Sustainability: The End of the Cartesian Dream. Eds. A. Guimaraes Pereira & S. Funtowicz (Routledge: Oxon): 61-77. ISBN-13: 978-1138796409 ISBN-10: 1138796409



Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/BE/125
Application filed by Monsanto Company for maize MON87403
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2015/124
Application filed by Monsanto Company for maize MON87411
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2013/120
Application filed by Bayer Crop Science, AG and M.S. Technologies, LLC for soy FG72xA5547-127
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2011/94
Application filed by Bayer Crop Science for cotton GHB614xLLCotton25xMON15985
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/RX-001 1507
Application filed by Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc. and Dow AgroSciences LLC for maize 1507
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2014/123
Application filed by Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. for maize 4114
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/BE/2013/118
Application filed by Monsanto Company for maize MON87427 x MON89034 x 1507 x MON88017 x 59122
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/BE/2013/117
Application filed by Monsanto Company for maize MON87427 x MON89034 x NK603
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2014/121
Application filed by Monsanto Company for soy MON 87751
Read assessment



Gillund, F. (2015). «Genmodifiserte poteter kan gjøre potetbonden bærekraftig» chronicle at 04.02.15.

Gillund, F., Myhr, A.I. and Utskarpen, A. (2015) «Bærekraft ved dyrking av genmodifisert potet med tørråteresistens«, Fokus. Vol 10. Nr2. p116.

Grønsberg, I.M., Gillund, F., Nordgård, L., Husby, J., Hilbeck, A., Iversen, M. og Myhr, A. (2015). «Miljørisiko ved soppresistent genmodifisert raps», Fokus. Vol 10. Nr2. p115.

Hilbeck, A., Binimelis, R., Defarge, N., Steinbrecher, R., Szekacs, A., Wickson, F., Antoniou, M., Bereano, P.L., Clark, E.A., Hansen, M., Novotny, E., Heinemann, J., Meyer, H., Shiva, V., and Wynne, B. (2015). “No scientific consensus on GMO safety”, Environmental Sciences Europe 27(4): 1-6.

Miller, G. and Wickson, F. (2015). “Big questions about risk assessment of nanomaterials” The Conversation (published 24.08.15).

Myhr, A.I. (2015). «Bioteknologi og genteknologi», Forskningsetisk bibliotek, oppdatert 16 juni 2015.

Myhr, A.I., Iversen, M. og Olsvik, Ø. (2015). «GM-laks – ingen reell trussel for norsk lakseindustri« FiskeribladetFiskaren 08.10.15. Republisert på Intrafish under titttel: Mange utfordringer med genmodifisert laks, og på UiTs helseblogg med tittel Genmodifsert “monsterlaks – en trussel for norsk lakseindustri?

Myhr, A.I., Nordgård, L. and Olsvik, Ø. (2015). «Mat og antibiotikaresistens«, Nationen 06.08.15

Myhr, A.I., Rosendal, K. and Walløe Tvedt, M. (2015). «Hvem eier det som finnes i havet?«, 16.12.15

Myhr, A.I. and Wikmark, O.G. (2015). «Synthetic biology». In The research ethics library.

Myhr, A.I. and Wikmark, O.G. (2015). «Syntetisk biologi». I Forskningsetisk bibliotek.

Tryland, M. and Bøhn, T. (2015). «Trygg mat» Nordlys (18.09.15)

Wickson, F., Binimelis, R. and Herrero, A. (2015). “Why Europe will let member states opt out of GM crops”, The Conversation (30.11.15)



Myhr, A. I (2015). «Forsker på GMO poteter i Norge«, Forskningsdagene 2015.

Myhr, A.I. (2015). «EU «frikjenner» omstridt ugressmiddel«, Nrk 17.11.2015.


Blog posts

Herrero, A. (2015). “We published a paper!”, 31.08.2015.

Herrero, A. (2015). “Introductory short movie to The Agri/Cultures Project”, 28.09.2015.

Binimelis, R. (2015). “We participated in a TV documentary!”, 28.12.2015.

Binimelis, R. (2015). “¡Hemos participado en un documental!”, 30.12.2015.


Publications 2014

Articles in peer reviewed journals

Agapito-Tenfen, S.Z., Guerra, M.P., Wikmark, O-G. and Nodari, R. (2014). “Comparative proteomic analysis of genetically modified maize grown under different agroecosystems conditions in Brazil” Protome Science Volume 11. doi:10.1186/1477-5956-11-46

Agapito-Tenfen, S., Vilperte, V., Benevenuto, R. F., Rover, C. M., Traavik, T. and Nodari, R. O. (2014). «Effect of stacking insecticidal cry and herbicide tolerance epsps transgenes on transgenic maize proteome» Plant Biology 2014, 14:346 DOI: 10.1186/s12870-014-0346-8 (Open access)

Andreassen, M., Rocca, E., Bøhn, T., Wikmark, O.-G., Van den Berg, J., Løvik, M., Traavik, T. and Nygaard, U. C. (2014). «Humoral and cellular immune responses in mice after airway administration of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab and MON810 cry1Ab-transgenic maize” Food and Agricultural Immunology DOI:10.1080/09540105.2014.988128

Ben Ali, S.-E., Madi, Z. E., Hochegger, R., Quist, D., Prewein, B., Haslberger, A. G. and Brandes, C. (2014). «Mutation Scanning in a Single and a Stacked Genetically Modified (GM) Event by Real-Time PCR and High Resolution Melting (HRM) Analysis«. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2014, 15(11), 19898-19923; Published: 31 October 2014, doi:10.3390/ijms151119898. (Open access)

Bendiksen, S., Martinez-Zubiavrra, I., Tümmler, C., Knutsen, G., Elvenes, J., Olsen, E., Olsen, R. and Moens, U. (2014). «Human Endogenous Retrovirus W Activity in Cartilage of Osteoarthritis Patients”. BioMed Research International, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 698609, 14 pages.

Binimelis, R., Rivera-Ferre, M. G., Tenderod, G., Badal, M., Heras, M., Gamboa, G. and Ortega, M. (2014). “Adapting established instruments to build useful food sovereignty indicators” Development Studies Research Vol. 1, Iss. 1, 2014; DOI: 10.1080/21665095.2014.973527 (Open access)

Bøhn, T., Cuhra, M., Traavik, T., Sanden, M., Fagan, J. & Primicerio, R. (2014). «Compositional differences in soybeans on the market: glyphosate accumulates in Roundup Ready GM soybeans«. Food Chemistry 153: 207-215. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.12.054

Cuhra, M., Primicerio, R., Traavik, T. & Bøhn, T. (2014). «Life-cycle fitness differences in D. magna fed Round-Ready soybean or conventional soybean or organic soybean«. Aquaculture Nutrition. doi: 10.1111/anu.12199.

Gillund, F.T., Nordgaard, L., Bøhn, T., Konestabo, S. H., Wikmark, O.G., Hilbeck, A. (2014). «Selection of non-target testing organisms for ERA of GM potato with increased resistance to late blight«. Eur. J. Potato Research, 56, (4), pp 293-324 DOI: 10.1007/s11540-013-9245-x

Hølvold, L.B., Myhr, A.I. and Dalmo, R.A. (2014). “Strategies and hurdles using DNA vaccines to fish”, Veterinary Research 2014, 45:21 doi:10.1186/1297-9716-45-21 (open access)

Iroegbu, C.U., Okeke, M.I. and Ike, A.C. (2014). «Relationship between antibody titers from V4-in-cassava vaccination and protection against velogenic virus challenge in laboratory chickens«. African Journal of Microbiology Research 8(6), 539-544. DOI: 10.5897/AJMR2013.6436.

Iversen, M., Grønsberg, I. M., van den Berg, J., Fischer, K., Aheto, D. W. and Bøhn, T. (2014). «Detection of Transgenes in Local Maize Varieties of Small-Scale Farmers in Eastern Cape, South Africa” PLOS Published: December 31, 2014 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0116147 (Open access)

Martinez, V. E., Binimelis, R. and Rivera-Ferre, M. G. (2014) “The situation of rural women in Spain: The case of small-scale artisan food producers” in Athenea digital : revista de pensamiento e investigación social, Vol. 14, ISSN 1578-8946; DOI: 10.5565/rev/athenea.1186

Myhr, A.I. and Myskja, B.M. (2014). «From protection to restoration: A matter of responsible precaution«, in: Oksanen, M and Siipi, H (eds.) The ethics of animal re-creation and modification. Palgrave Maximillian, ISBN: 978 – 1-137 -33763-4 DOI: 10.1057/9781137337641_7

Myskja, B., Nydal, R., Myhr A. I. (2014). «We have never been ELSA-researchers – there is no need for a post-Elsi shift«, Life Sciencec, Society and Policy, 10:9 doi:10.1186/s40504-014-0009-4 (open access)

Nielsen, K.M., Bøhn, T. and Townsend, J.P. (2014). «Detecting rare gene transfer events in bacterial populations«, Front. Microbiol. 4:415. doi:10.3389/fmicb. 2013.00415

Okeke, M.I., Okoli, A.S., Nilssen, O., Moens, U., Tryland, M., Bøhn, T., and Traavik, T. (2014). «Molecular characterization and phylogenetics of Fennoscandian cowpox virus isolates based on the p4c and atip genes«. Virology Journal. 2014 Jun 27;11(1):119. doi: 10.1186/1743-422X-11-119.

Wickson, F. (2014). “Environmental protection goals, policy and publics in the European regulation of GMOs”, Ecological Economics DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2014.09.025

Wickson, F. And Carew, A.L. (2014). “Quality criteria and indicators for responsible research and innovation: learning from transdisciplinarity”, Journal of Responsible Innovation 1(3): 254-273 DOI:10.1080/23299460.2014.963004

Wickson, F. and Forsberg, E-M. (2014). “Standardising Responsibility? The Significance of Interstitial SpacesScience and Engineering Ethics DOI 10.1007/s11948-014-9602-4

Wickson, F., Hartmann, N.B., Hjorth, R., Foss-Hansen, S., Wynne, B. and Baun, A. (2014) “Balancing Scientific Tensions” Nature Nanotechnology 9: 870. doi:10.1038/nnano.2014.237



Gillund, F., Utskarpen, A. and Myhr, A.I. (2014). «Bærekraft ved dyrking av GM-potet med tørråteresistens« GenØk Biosafety Report 2014/03

The Biotechnology Advisory Board, co-authored with Traavik, T. and Myhr, A.I. (2014). “Herbicide-resistant genetically modified plants and sustainability” (open access)

Traavik, T. (2014). «Climate Changes and Emerging Wildlife-Borne Viruses in Norway: – Facts, Uncertainty and Precaution» GenØk Biosafety Report 2014/01

Catacora-Vargas, G. (2014). «Sustainability Assessment of Genetically Modified Herbicide Tolerant Crops: The Case of IntactaTM Roundup ReadyTM 2Pro in Brazil in light of the Norwegian Gene Technology Act» GenØk Biosafety Report 2014/02

Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) (2014). Preliminary guide regarding diverse conceptualization of multiple values of nature and its benefits, including biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services (deliverable 3 (d)). Available online at (last accessed 29.01.15)


Book Chapters

El-kawy, O.A. and Catacora-Vargas, G. (2014). «Socio-economic considerations related to LMOs: From the Convention on Biological Diversity to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety«, In Socio-economic Considerations in GMO Decision-Making: International Agreements in Context, TWN,  ISBN: 978-967-0747-02-6

Myhr, A. I., Myskja, B. K. (2014). “Nanotechnology in Agriculture” in, Thompson, P.B., Kaplan, D.M. (Eds,) Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics, pp 1417-1423, Springer Netherlands,

Norgård, L., Grønsberg, I.M. and Myhr, A.I. (2014). “GM food, nutrition, safety and health” in, Thompson, P.B., Kaplan, D.M. (Eds,) Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics, pp 1127-1135, Springer Netherlands,

Wickson, F. (2014). «Deep Ecology» in Ethics, Science, Technology, and Engineering: A Global Resource. Ed. J. Britt Holbrook. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. (MI: Macmillan Reference: Farmington Hills) 536-538. Gale Virtual Reference Library. (Web access)

Wickson, F. (2014). «Post-Normal Science» in Ethics, Science, Technology, and Engineering: A Global Resource. Ed. J. Britt Holbrook. 2nd ed. Vol. 3. (MI: Macmillan Reference: Farmington Hills) 438-440. Gale Virtual Reference Library. (Web access)



Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/DE/2011/103
Application filed by Syngenta Crop Protection AG for maize Bt11xMIR162xMIR604x1507x5307xGA21
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2013/119
Application filed by Bayer CropScience AG and Monsanto Company for oilseed rape MON88302xMS8xRF3
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of C/NL/13/02
Application filed by Suntory Holdings Limited for carnation FLO-40685-1
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2013/116
Application filed by Dow AgroSciences LLC for soy DAS-81419-2
Read assessment



Binimelis, R. (2014). «Increasing interest in social, ethical and economic considerations», GMOs blogpost Accessed 30.07.14

Bøhn, T., Cuhra, M., Traavik, T., Sanden, M., Fagan, J. & Primicerio, R. (2014). Reply to Letter to the editor. Food Chemistry. Published online 27 August. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.08.042.

Gillund, F. (2014). «Operationalizing assessment criteria for genetically modified organisms in Norway – the case of modified potatoes», blogpost Accessed 30.07.14

Husby, J. (2014). «Moderne bioteknologi, GMO – biosikkerhet og behovet for uavhengig forskning«, kronikk, Dagbladet 28. november 2014

Myhr, A.I. (2014). «Styrk GMO-forskningen«, Nationen 02.07.14

Myhr, A.I., Nordgård, L., Rogne, S. and Ø. Olsvik (2014). «La norsk laks forbli fri for antibiotika«, Kronikk, Viten, 11. august 2014

Rogne, S. and Myhr, A.I. (2014). «Mer åpen bioteknologi«, debate, Nordlys 26.08.14.

Wickson, F. (2014). «The Walkshop Approach to Science and Technology Ethics», blogpost Accessed 30.07.14

Wickson, F. (2014). “Watching the regulatory tail wag the scientific dog” Research Europe 390, p. 7.



Genmodifisert fiskefôr kan gi økt antibiotikaresistens, intervju med Anne I. Myhr, Labyrint 01/14, UIT Norges arktiske universitet

Artikkel om GMO-debatt under Humanistisk dag som ble arrangert på Latter i Oslo, intervju med Anne I. Myhr, 21.09.14.


Publications 2013

Articles in peer reviewed journals

Aguilera, J., Nielsen, K.M. and Sweet, J. (In press). Risk assessment of GM trees in the EU: Current regulatory framework and guidance. Iforest, 6, 127-131. (DOI: 10.3832/ifor0101-006)

Aslaksen, I., Glomsrød, S. and Myhr, A.I. (2013). Post-normal science and ecological economics: strategies for precautionary approaches and sustainable development. International Journal of Sustainable Development, 16 (1/2), 107 – 126. (DOI: 10.1504/IJSD.2013.053793)

Cuhra, M., Traavik, T. and Bøhn, T. (2013). Clone- and age-dependent toxicity of a glyphosate commercial formulation and its active ingredient in Daphnia magna. Ecotoxicology, 22 (2), 251-262. (DOI: 10.1007/s10646-012-1021-1)

Gilna, B., Kuzma, J. and Otts, S. S. (2013). “Governance of genetic biocontrol technologies for invasive fishBiological Invasions, published online 1.02.2013 (DOI: 10.1007/s10530-012-0367-x)

Hilbeck, A., Lebrecht, T., Vogel, R., Heinemann, J.A. and Binimelis, R., (2013). Farmer’s choice of seeds in four EU countries under different levels of GM crop adoption. Environmental Sciences Europe, 25: 12. (doi:10.1186/2190-4715-25-12)

Hilbeck, A. and Meyer, H. (2013). Rat feeding studies with genetically modified maize – a comparative evaluation of applied methods and risk assessment standards. Environmental Sciences Europe, 25:33 (doi:10.1186/2190-4715-25-33)

Hofmann, B., Myhr, A.I. and Holm, S. (2013) Scientific dishonesty—a nationwide survey of doctoral students in Norway. BMC Medical Ethics, 14:3 (doi: 10.1186/1472-6939-14-3)

Jacobsen, K. and Myhr, A.I. (2013) GM crops and smallholders: Biosafety and local practice. The Journal of Environment & Development, 22, 104-124 (doi: 10.1177/1070496512466856)

Krelle, A., Okoli, A. and Mendz, G. (2013). Huh-7 Human Liver Cancer Cells: A Model System to Understand Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Therapy. Journal of Cancer Therapy, 4 (2), 2013, 606-631. (DOI: 10.4236/jct.2013.42078)

Madi, Z. E., Brandes, C., Neumann, G., Quist, D.A., Ruppitsch, W. and Hochegger, R. (2013) Evaluation of Adh1 alleles and transgenic soybean seeds using Scorpion PCR and HRM analysis. European Food Research and Technology, 237, 125-135 (DOI: 10.1007/s00217-013-1969-y)

McGlade, J., Quist, D.A. and Gee, D. (2013). Policy: Social responsibility for new technologies. Nature, 497 (7449), 317-17.

Myhr, A.I. and Myska, B. (2013) “Nanotechnology in Agriculture” In: Thompson P., Kaplan D. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics: SpringerReference ( Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, (doi: 10.1007/SpringerReference_307735 2013-03-18 06:34:11 UTC)

Nielsen, K.M. (2013) Biosafety data as confidential business information. PLoS Biology 11(3): e1001499. (doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001499)

Nordgaard, L., Grønsberg, I. M. Myhr, A.I. (2013). GM food, nutrition, safety and health. In: Thompson P., Kaplan D. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics: SpringerReference ( Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. (doi: 10.1007/SpringerReference_307509 2013-10-30 04:54:20 UTC)

Overballe-Petersen, S., Harms, K., Orlando, L. A. A., Moreno Mayar, J. V., Rasmussen, S., Dahl, T. W., Rosing, M. T., Poole, A. M., Sicheritz-Ponten, T., Brunak, S., Wackernagel, W., Inselmann, S., de Vries, J., Pybus, O., Nielsen, R., Johnsen, P. J., Nielsen, K.M. and Willerslev, E. (2013). Natural transformation by degraded DNA allows for bacterial genetic exchange across geological time. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (early print) (

Smits, S. L., Schapendonk, C. M. E., Leeuwen, M. V., Kuiken, T., Bodewes, R., Raj, V. S., Neves, C. G. D., Tryland, M. og Osterhaus, A. D. M. E. (2013). Identification and Characterization of Two Novel Viruses in Ocular Infections in Reindeer, PLoS One, 16;8(7):e69711. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0069711)

Starikova, I. Al-Haroni, M. Werner, G. Roberts, A. Sørum, V. Nielsen, K.M., Johnsen, P. 2013. Fitness costs of various mobile genetic elements in Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus faecalis. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemother. 68, 2755-2765.

Van den Berg, J., Hilbeck, A. and Bøhn, T. (2013) Pest resistance to Cry1Ab Bt maize: Field resistance, contributing factors and lessons from South Africa. Crop Protection, 54, 154-160. (doi:10.1016/j.cropro.2013.08.010)

Woegerbauer, M, J. Zeinzinger, B. Springer, P. Hufnagl, A. Indra, I. Korschineck, J. Hofrichter, I. Kopacka, R. Fuchs, H. Steinwider, K. Fuchs, Nielsen, K.M., F. Allerberger. (2013). Prevalence of the aminoglycoside phosphotransferase genes aph(3’)-IIIa and aph(3’)-IIa in Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus faecium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica, and Staphylococcus aureus isolates in Austria. Journal of Medical Microbiology (in press)



Bøhn, T. og Traavik, T. 2013. Kan genmodifisert mais gi kreft og andre sykdommer hos rotter? Vitenskapelig vurdering av studiet: “Long term toxicity of a Rondup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize” publisert i Food and Chemical Toxicology av Seralini et al. (2012). GenØk Biosafety Report, Tromsø, Norway, 7 p.

Catacora-Vargas, G. (2013) Socio Economic Considerations in GMO Decision Making. Scientific Conference 2012 “Advancing the Understanding of Biosafety GMO Risk Assessment, Independent Biosafety Research and Holistic Analysis”, 28 -29 September 2012Hyderabad / India

Gillund, F.T., Hilbeck, A., Wikmark O.G., Nordgaard, L. & Bøhn, T. 2013. Genetically Modified Potato with Increased Resistance to P. infestans – Selecting Testing Species for Environmental Impact Assessment on Non-Target Organisms. GenØk Biosafety Report, Tromsø, Norway, 53 p.

Quist, D. 2013 Monitoring of GMOs released into the Norwegian environment: A case study with herbicide-tolerant GM rapeseed, GenØk Biosafety Report 2013/02, Tromsø, Norway, 53p

TWN & GenØk – Centre for biosafety (2013). Scientific Conference 2012 “Modern Biotechnologies: Sustainable Innovation and Regulatory Needs” conference proceedings, 7-9 November 2012, Penang, Malaysia.

TWN, Hekima Ni Uhuru & GenØk – Centre for biosafety (2013). Scientific workshop 2012 “GMO Options in Agriculture for Climate Change” conference proceedings, 6-8 December 2012, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


Book Chapters

Quist, D.A., Heinemann, J.A., Myhr, A.I., Aslaksen, I. and Funtowicz, S., (2013). „Hungry for innovation in a world of food: Pathways from GM crops to agroecology“ In: Late lessons from early warnings: science, precaution and innovation. Copenhagen: EEA; 2013.

Aheto, D.W., Bøhn, T., Breckling, B., van den Berg, J., Ching, L.L. and Wikmark O.G. (2013). Implications of GM crops in subsistence-based agricultural systems in Africa. In: Breckling, B. and Verhoeven, R. GM-Crop Cultivation – Ecological Effects on a Landscape Scale, Theorie in der Ökologie 17. Frankfurt, Peter Lang.

Bøhn, T., Aheto, D.W., Mwangala, F.S., Bones, I.L., Simoloka, S., Mbeule, I., Wikmark O.G., Schmidt, G. and Chapela, I. (2013). Co-existence challenges in small-scale farming when farmers share and save seeds. In: Breckling, B. and Verhoeven, R. GM-Crop Cultivation – Ecological Effects on a Landscape Scale, Theorie in der Ökologie 17. Frankfurt, Peter Lang.

Binimelis, R., Hilbeck, A., Lebrecht, T., Vogel, R., Heinemann, J.A., 2013. Farmers’s choice of seeds in five regions under different levels of seed market concentration and GM crop adoption. En: Breckling, B., Verhoeven, R., (eds). GM-cultivation – Ecological effects on a landscape scale, pp. 89-90. Theorie in der Ökologie, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main.

Wickson, F. (2013) “Environmental Ethics in an Ecotoxicology Laboratory” in S. Van Der Burg & T. Swierstra (eds) Ethics on the Laboratory Floor (Palgrave Macmillan: Hampshire)



Expert advise from GenØk concerning the final assessment of genetically modified plants 1507×59122, 59122x1507xNK603 and 59122xNK603
Read advise

Input to the hearing on the Government’s long-term plan for research and higher education
Read hearing

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2012/108
Application filed by Monsanto Company for soy MON 87708 x MON 89788
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL2009/68
Application filed by Agrigenetics, Inc. d/b/a Mycogen Seeds for cotton 281-24-236×3006-210-23xMON88913
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of C/NL/13/01
Application filed by Suntory Holdings Limited for carnation SHD-27531-4
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2013/114
Application filed by Monsanto Company for cotton MON 88701
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL2012/106
Application filed by DOW AgroSciences LLC for soy DAS-444Ø6-6
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2009/75
Application filed by Bayer CropScience AG and Monsanto Company for oilseed rape MS8xRF3xGT73
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2012/111
Application filed by Syngenta Crop Protection AG for soy SYHT0H2
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/BE/2012/110
Application filed by Monsanto Company for maize MON 87427
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/ES/2012/104
Application filed by Bayer CropScience AG for cotton GHB614
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2012/109
Application filed by Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. for oilseed rape 73496
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2011/100
Application filed by Monsanto Company for transgenic soy MON 87705 x 89788
Read assessment



Aarvig, S. (2013) En million steril laks skal i sjøen, intervju med Myhr, A.I. i 21.08.13.

Binimelis, R. »Spanien: Genboom mit Folgen» Bioktuell. Das Magazin der Biobewegung, Switzerland. April, (2013), page 13.

Binimelis, R., (2013). Què podem aprendre els ambientòlegs de la lluita per la Sobirania Alimentària? Revista del Col•legi d’Ambientòlegs de Catalunya (in press)

Bjørgaas, H. (2013) «Forskning som stinker» Argument, UiO nr 1, s.8-9

Bjørgaas, H. (2013) «Forskning som stinker» Manifest Tidsskrift, publisert 23 januar.

Bøhn, T. & Traavik, T. 2013. Urovekkende funn. Kronikk i GENialt på nett, 10. mai 2013 (in Norwegian).

Cuhra, M., Gillund, F.T.,  Myhr, A.I.(2013) «Godt fôr gir god laks«, Nordlys, 23.09.13

Forsberg, E.M., Throne-Holst, H., Wickson, F. (2013) “Verden’s minste problem” Klassekampen 16.03.13

Husby, J. (2013) ”GMO – Hvor går veien videre?” Nationen (16/09/13)

Myhr, A.I. (2013) Forskning på GMO må være åpen og uavhengig, 6.11.13

Utskarpen, A. (2013) Nytt gen mot pengesluk. Intervju med Gillund, F.T. i Genialt 2- 2013

Wynne, B. and Vargas-Catacora, G. (2013) Farming and knowledge monocultures are misconceived, SciDevNet (

Wickson, F., Bøhn, T., Wynne, B., Hilbeck, A. and Funtowicz, S. 2013. Science based risk assessment requires careful evaluation of all studies. Nature Biotechnology 31 (12): 1077-1078.


Book Reviews

Wickson, F. (2013) “New Modes of Thought Required for the Age of Ecology” Science and Public Policy (online first)


Publications 2012

Articles in peer reviewed journals

Amundsen, P-A., Salonen, E., Niva, T., Gjelland, K.Ø., Præbel, K., Sandlund, O.T., Knudsen, R. and Bøhn, T. (2012). «Invader population speeds up life history during colonization», Biol Invasions. DOI 10.1007/s10530-012-0175-3

Aslaksen, I., Glomsrød, I. & Myhr, A.I. (2012). «Late lessons from early warnings’ – uncertainty and precaution in policy approaches to Arctic climate change impacts« Polar Geography 35 (2), p.135-153. DOI:10.1080/1088937X.2011.654357

Bøhn, T., Primicerio, R., and Traavik, T. (2012). «The German ban on GM maize MON810: scientifically justified or unjustified?«, Environmental Sciences Europe 2012, 24:22. DOI:10.1186/2190-4715-24-22 (open access)

Catacora-Vargas, G. (2012). “Socio-economic Considerations under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety: Insights for Effective Implementation“ Asian Biotechnology and Development Review Vol. 14 No.3, pp 1-17 ISSN:0972-7566

Domingues, S., Harms, K., Fricke, W.F., Johnsen, P.J., da Silva, G.J., Nielsen, K.M. (2012). «Natural transformation facilitates transfer of transposons, integrons and gene cassettes between bacterial species«, PLoS Pathogens 8(8): e1002837. DOI:10.1371/journal.ppat.1002837

Fladung, M., Hoenicka, H., Altosaar, I., Bartsch, D., Baucher, M., Boscaleri, F., Gallardo, F., Häggman, H., Nielsen, K.M., Paffetti, D., Séguin, A., Stotzky, G., Vettori, C. (2012). «European discussion forum on transgenic tree biosafety (Correspondence)«, Nature Biotechnol. 30, 37-38. DOI:10.1038/nbt.2078

Graef, F., Römbke, J., Binimelis, R., Myhr, A.I., Hilbeck, A., Breckling, B., Dalgaard, T., Stachow, U., Catacora-Vargas, G., Bøhn, T., Quist, D., Darvas, B., Dudel, G., Oehen, B., Meyer, H., Henle, K., Wynne, B., Metzger, M.J., Knäbe, S., Settele, J., Székács, A., Wurbs, A., Bernard, J., Murphy-Bokern, D., Buiatti, M., Giovanetti, M., Debeljak, M., Andersen, E., Paetz, A., Dzeroski, S., Tappeser, B., Van Gestel, C.A.M., Wosniok, W., Séralini, G-E., Aslaksen, I., Pesch, R., Maly, S.,Doerpinghaus, A. and Werner, A. (2011). “Framework for a European Network for a systematic environmental impact assessment of genetically modified organisms (GMO)”, Biorisk Journal 7: 73-97. DOI:10.3897/biorisk.7.1969

Grieger, K.D., Wickson, F., Andersen, H.B., & Renn, O. (2012) “Improving Risk Governance of Emerging Technologies through Public Engagement: The Neglected Case of Nanoremediation?” International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society 10: 61-78. ISSN 1835-8780

Heinemann, J.A. and El-Kawy, O.A. (2012). «Observational science in the environmental risk assessment and management of GMOs«, Environment International 45 (2012) 68–71. DOI:10.1016/j.envint.2012.03.011

Herrmann, B., Sistiaga, M., Nielsen, K.M., and Larsen, R.B. (2012). «Understanding the size selectivity of redfish (Sebastes spp.) in North Atlantic trawl codends, J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci., 44: 1–13. DOI:10.2960/J.v44.m680 (open access)

Jacobson, K. and Myhr, A.I. (2012). «GM Crops and Smallholders: Biosafety and Local Practice«, Journal of Environment & Development. DOI:10.1177/1070496512466856

Nielsen, K.M., Ray, J.L., and Johnsen, P.J. (2012). «Horizontal gene transfer: the uptake of extracellular DNA in bacteria«, Topics in Ecological and Environmental Microbiology, Academic Press, (T. Schmidt, M. Schaechter, Eds). Academic/Elsevier, Oxford, UK., Pp. 57-66. ISBN:978-0-12-383878-0.

Nordgard, L., Brusetti, L., Raddadi, N., Traavik, T., Averhoff, B. and Nielsen, K.M. (2012). «An investigation of horizontal transfer of feed introduced DNA to the aerobic microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract of rats«, BMC Research Notes 20125:170. DOI:10.1186/1756-0500-5-170

Okoli, A., Raftery M.J. and Mendz, G.L. (2012). «Comparison of Helicobacter bilis-Associated Protein Expression in Huh7 Cells Harbouring HCV Replicon and in Replicon-Cured Cells«, National Center for Biotechnology Information 2012, PMID: 22900193 DOI: 10.1155/2012/501671

Okoli, A., Raftery M.J. and Mendz, G.L. (2012). «Effects of human and porcine bile on the proteome of Helicobacter hepaticus«, Proteome Science 2012, 10:27. DOI: 10.1186/1477-5956-10-27

Podevin, N., Devos, Y., Davies, H.V. Nielsen, K.M. (2012). «Transgenic or not? No simple answer!«, EMBO rep. 13, 1057-1061. DOI:10.1038/embor.2012.168

Rizzi, A., Raddadi, N., Sorlini, C., Nordgård, L., Nielsen, K.M. and Daffonchio, D. (2012). «The stability and degradation of dietary DNA in the gastrointestinal tract of mammals – implications for horizontal gene transfer and the biosafety of GMOs«, Crit. Rev. Food Science and Nutrition 52 (2) 142-161. DOI:10.1080/10408398.2010.499480

Starikova, I., Harms, K., Haugen, P., Lunde, T.T.M., Primicerio, R., Nielsen, K.M. and Johnsen, P. (2012). «A trade-off between the fitness cost of functional integrases and long-term stability of integrons«, PLoS Pathog 8(11): e1003043. DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1003043

Townsend, J.P., Bøhn, T., Nielsen, K.M. (2012). «Probability of detecting horizontal gene transfer in bacterial populations«, Front. Microbiol. 3, art. 27. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2012.00027.

Wickson, F. (2012) “Researching Standards: No recipe, no risk” Science and Public Policy. DOI: 10.1093/scipol/scs111 (open access)

Wickson, F., Gillund, F. andMyhr, A.I. (2012). “Tratando as nanopartículas com precaução: reconhecendo a incerteza qualitativa na avaliação científica do risco, Política & Sociedade 11(20): 171-204.

Wickson, F. & Wynne, B. (2012). “Ethics of Science for Policy in the Environmental Governance of Biotechnology: MON810 Maize in Europe” Ethics, Policy and Environment 15(3): 321-340. DOI:10.1080/21550085.2012.730245

Wickson, F. & Wynne, B. (2012) “The anglerfish deception: The light of proposed reform in the regulation of GM crops hides underlying problems in EU science and governance”, EMBO Reports 13(2): 100-105. DOI:10.1038/embor.2011.254



Catacora-Vargas, G. (2012). GenØk Biosafety Report 2012/02: Genetically Modified Organisms -A Summary of Potential Adverse Effects Relevant to Sustainable Development

Catacora-Vargas, G., Galeano, P., Agapito-Tenfen, S.Z., Aranda, D., Palau, T., Nodari, R. (2012). Soybean Production in the Southern Cone of the Americas: Update on Land and Pesticide Use


Book Chapters

Farrar, T.E.,  Okoli, A.S., Mendz, G.L. (2012). “Campylobacter spp. Responses to the Environment and Adaptations to Hosts”. In Hin-chung Wong (ed), Stress Response of Foodborne Microorganisms, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. NY, USA, Chapter 8. ISBN: 9781611228106.

Myhr, A.I. Bioteknologi og genteknologi. Forskningsetisk bibliotek ( Updated 28 juni 2012

Myhr, A.I., og Traavik, T. (2012) «Genetically Engineered Virus-Vectored Vaccines – Environmental Risk Assessment and Management Challenges» I Genetic Engineering – Basics, New Applications and Responsibilities, edited by Hugo A. Barrera-Salda, ISBN 978-953-307-790-1

Myhr, A.I., Rosendal, G.K. and Olesen, I. (2012) New Developments in Biotechnology and IPR in Aquaculture – Are They Sustainable? ISBN 978-953-307-974-5, edited by Zainal Muchlisin

Myskja, B.K. and Myhr, A.I. Changing an iconic species by biotechnology: the case of Norwegian salmon, in Potthast, T. and Meisch, S. (Eds.) Climate change and sustainable development, Ethical perspectives on land use and food production, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, ISBN: 978-90-8686-197-2, p. 315-321

Quist, D., Heinemann, J., Myhr, A.I.,  Aslaksen, I.,  and Funtowicz, S. (2012). Hungry for innovation in a world of food: Pathways from GM crops to agroecology. Late Lessons from Early Warnings Vol. 2. European Environment Agency

Sundset, M.A., Glad, T. and  Nielsen, K.M. 2012. Fecal Bacterial Diversity in Bears; Terrestrial vertebrate animal metagenomics, non-domesticated Ursidae, Invited book chapter, Encyclopedia of Metagenomics (Ed. K. E. Nelson) Volume: Animals, (Ed. B. A. White) Springer Verlag. Encyclopedia of Metagenomics (Article 303441, Chapter 107).

Wickson, F.(2012) “Nanotechnology and Risk” in Maclurcan, D. & Radywyl, N. (eds) Nanotechnology and Global Sustainability (CRC Press: Boca Raton) pp. 217-240.



Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/DE/2011/99
Application filed by Syngenta Crop Protection AG for maize Bt11x59122xMIR604x1507xGA21
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/DE/2010/86
Application filed by Syngenta Crop Protection AG for maize Bt11xMIR162x1507xGA21
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/BE/2011/90
Application filed by Bayer CropScience AG for maize MON89034
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2012/107
Application filed by Monsanto Company for maize MON810 pollen
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/BE/2011/101
Application filed by Monsanto Company for rapeseed MON88302
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2011/92
Application filed by Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. for maize 1507x59122xMON810xNK603
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2011/96
Application filed by Bayer CropScience AG for cotton GHB119
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2010/87
Application filed by Monsanto Company for rapeseed GT73
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2011/97
Application filed by Bayer CropScience AG for cotton T304-40
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/BE/2011/98
Application filed by Bayer CropScience AG for soy FG72
Read assessment



Cuhra, M. (2012). «Tvangsmodning«, Kronikk i Morgenbladet 01.03.12.

Husby, J.(2012). «Behov for mer forskning», Kronikk i Nationen 10.05.12

Wynne, B. and Wickson, F. (2012). «Reply to J. N. Perry et al.«, EMBO Reports 13(6): 482-483.


Publications 2011

Articles in peer reviewed journals

Aguilera, J., Gomes, A., and Nielsen, K.M.  (2011). «Genetically modified microbial endosymbionts as insect pest controllers: risk assessment through the European legislations«, J Appl. Entomol. 135, 495-502. DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0418.2011.01618.x

Domingues, S., Nielsen, K.M., and Da Silva, G.J. (2011). «The blaIMP-5-carrying integron in a clinical Acinetobacter baumannii strain is flanked by miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITEs)«, J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 66, 2667-2668. DOI: 10.1093/jac/dkr327 (open access)

Grønsberg, I.M., Nordgård, L., Fenton, K., Hegge, B., Nielsen, K.M., Bardocz, S., Pusztai, A., Traavik, T. (2011). «Uptake and organ distribution of feed introduced plasmid DNA in growing or pregnant rats«, Food Nutrition Sci. 2, 377-386. doi:10.4236/fns.2011.24053 (open access)

Heinemann, J.A., Kurenbach, B., Quist, D. (2011). «Molecular profiling – a tool for addressing emerging gaps in the comparative risk assessment of GMOs«, Environment International. DOI:10.1016/j.envint.2011.05.006

Johnsen, P.J., Townsend, J.P., Bøhn, T., Simonsen, G.S., Sundsfjord, A. and Nielsen, K.M. (2011). «Retrospective evidence for a biological cost of vancomycin resistance determinants in the absence of glycopeptide selective pressures», Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2011; 66: 608–610. DOI: 10.1093/jac/dkq512

Kahilainen, K.K, Siwertsson, A., Gjelland, K.Ø., Knudsen, R., Bøhn, T. and Amundsen, P-A. (2011). «The role of gill raker number variability in adaptive radiation of coregonid fish«, Evolutionary Ecology 25 (3): 573-588. DOI 10.1007/s10682-010-9411-4

Myhr, A.I. and Myskja, B.K. (2011). «Precaution or Integrated Responsibility Approach to Nanovaccines in Fish Farming? A Critical Appraisal of the UNESCO Precautionary Principle«, Nanoethics (2011) 5:73–86 DOI 10.1007/s11569-011-0112-4

Nielsen, K.N., Fredriksen, B.N. and Myhr, A.I. (2011). “Mapping Uncertainties in the Upstream: The case of PLGA nanoparticles in salmon vaccines«. NanoEthics 5(1): 57-71. DOI:10.1007/s11569-011-0111-5

Nielsen, K.N., Åm, T.G., and Nydal, R. (2011). ”Centre and Periphery of Nano – A Norwegian Context”. NanoEthics 5(1): 87-98. DOI: 10.1007/s11569-011-0110-6

Okeke, M.I., Hansen, H., and Traavik, T. (2011). «A naturally occurring cowpox virus with an ectromelia virus A-type inclusion protein gene displays atypical A-type inclusions«, Infect Genet Evol. DOI:10.1016/j.meegid.2011.09.017.

Rizzi, A., Raddadi, N., Sorlini, C., Nordgård, L., Nielsen, K.M. and Daffonchio, D. (2012). «The stability and degradation of dietary DNA in the gastrointestinal tract of mammals – implications for horizontal gene transfer and the biosafety of GMOs«, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 52 (2) 142-161. DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2010.499480).

Slaattelid, R.T., Wickson, F. (2011). «Imag(in)ing the Nano-scale: Introduction«, NanoEthics 5 (2): 159-163. DOI: 10.1007/s11569-011-0127-x

Székács, A., Weiss, G., Quist, D., Takács, E., Darvas, B., Meier, M., Swain, T. and Hilbeck, A. (2011). «Inter-laboratory comparison of Cry1Ab toxin quantification in MON 810 maize by enzyme-immunoassay«, Food and Agricultural Immunology. DOI:10.1080/09540105.2011.604773

Tryland, M., Okeke, M.I., Hård af Segerstad, C., Mörner, T., Traavik, T. and Ryser-Degiorgis, M.-P. (2011). «Orthopoxvirus DNA in Eurasian lynx, Sweden«, Emerging Infectious Diseases 17(4), 626-632. ISSN: 1080-6059 DOI: 10.3201/eid1704.091899

Wickson, F. (2011). «Gobernanza nanotecnológica: por qué no podemos confiar en evaluaciones de riesgo científicas«, Mundo Nano Vol. 4, No. 1, enero-junio, 2011.



Catacora, G. (2011). GenØk Biosafety Report: Genetically Modified Organisms. A Summary on Potential Adverse Effects Relevant to Sustainable Development. Report to Nordic Ecolabel

Fourtheen authors, including Myhr, A.I. and Traavik, T. (2011). «Insektsresistente genmodifiserte planter og bærekraft.» Utgitt av Bioteknologinemnda 27.06.2011. ISBN: 978-82-91-68380-5.

Lim, L.C., Edwards, S. and Scialabba, N.E-H. (eds) (2011). Climate Change and Food Systems Resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa. FAO, Rome.

Nydal, T.,  Myhr, A.I. and Myskja, B. (2011). Nanoethos. Report to the ELSA program in the Research Council of Norway, 66 pages.

Quist, D. og Catacora, G. (2011). Biosafety Brief 2011/04: Transgenes in Mexican Maize, Ten Years On: Still not addressing the right questions.

Wickson, F., Nielsen, K.N. and Quist, D. (2011).  Biosafety Brief 2011/01: Nano and the Environment: Potential Risks, Real Uncertainties & Urgent Issues


Book Chapters

Lie, S.A.N. and Wickson, F. (2011). «The Relation Ontology of Deep Ecology: A dispositional alternative to intrinsic value?» i A.Aaro og J.Servan (eds) Environment, Embodiement & History (Hermes: Bergen)

Myhr, A.I., and Nielsen, K.M. (2011). «Kvalitet og dannelse innen naturvitenskap«, s. 488-499. I «DANNELSE tenkning, modning, refleksjon»  av Bernt Hagtvet og Gorana Ognjenovic, Dreyers Forlag AS. ISBN: 9788282650274

Traavik, T., Myhr, A.I., Aslaksen, I. (2011). «Genmodifierade eller omodifierade organismer – så gott som lika eller väsensskilda?«. I «Genteknik som tar skruv» av redaktør Jonas Förare, Forskningsrådet Formas (forlag). ISBN: 978-91-540-6061-0



Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/BE/2011/81
Application filed by Bayer Cropscience AG for rapeseed MS8, RF3 and MS8xRF3
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2011/91
Application filed by Dow AgroSciences LLC for soy DAS-68416-4
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/DE/2011/95
Application filed by Syngenta Crop Protection AG for maize 5307
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2011/93
Application filed by Monsanto Europe S.A. for soy MON 87708
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/SE/2010/88
Application filed by BASF Plant Science Company GmbH for potato AM04-1020
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2009/69
Application filed by AVEBE U.A. for potato AV43-6-G7
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2010/77
Application filed by Bayer CropScience AG for cotton GHB614 x LLCotton25
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/UK/2010/83
Application filed by Syngenta Seeds S.A.S for maize MIR604
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2010/89
Application filed by Dow AgroSciences LLC for maize DAS-40278-9
Read assessment



Bøhn, T. and Quist, D. (2011). «Vil du spise genmodifisert laks?«, kronikk i Nordlys 30.09.11

Gillund, F. (2011). “I avgjørelsens time”, leserinnlegg i Klassekampen 19.11.11.

Heinemann, J. and Wickson, F. (2011). «Why would Australia want to grow genetically modified wheat?«, The Conversation 21.10.11

Quist, D. and Catacora, G. (2011). «Transgenes in el maiz Mexicano«, La Jornada, Opinion. 03.12.11

Wickson, F. (2011). «Technology: Nanomaterials need flexible regulation«, Correspondence in Nature 476, p. 283

Wikmark, O.G. and Myhr, A.I. (2011). “Bukken og havresekken”, debattinnlegg I Klassekampen 14.10.2011


Publications 2010

Articles in peer reviewed journals

Aslaksen, I., Glomsrød, S., and Myhr, A.I. (2010). «Climate change and economic system impacts on self-sufficiency constraints and potentials –Perspectives from ecological economics», The Political Economy of Northern Regional Development, TemaNord 2010:521, pp 175-189. DOI:10.6027/9789289331753-9-en

Bøhn, T., Traavik, T. and Primicerio, R. (2010). «Demographic responses of Daphnia magna fed transgenic Bt-maize«, Ecotoxicology 19: 419-430. DOI 10.1007/s10646-009-0427-x. (Open Access).

Carew, A.L.  and Wickson, F. (2010). «The TD Wheel: A heuristic to shape, support and evaluate transdisciplinary research«, Science-Direct Futures Volume 42, Issue 10. DOI:10.1016/j.futures.2010.04.025

Delgado, A., Kjølberg, K.l. and Wickson, F. (2010). «Public engagement coming of age: From theory to practice in sts encounters with nanotechnology«, Public Understanding of Science published online 11 May 2010 DOI: 10.1177/0963662510363054

Gillund, F. and Myhr, A.I. (2010). «Perspectives on Salmon Feed: A Deliberative Assessment of Several Alternative Feed Resources«, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. DOI 10.1007/s10806-010-9237-7

Glad, T, P. Bernhardsen, K. M. Nielsen, L. Brusetti, M. Andersen, J. Aars, M.A.  Sundset. (2010). «Bacterial diversity in faeces from polar bear (Ursus maritimus) in Arctic Svalbard«, BMC Microbiology 2010, 10:10 DOI:10.1186/1471-2180-10-10

Glad, T, V. F. Kristiansen, K. M. Nielsen, L. Brusetti, A. D. G. Wright, M. A. Sundset. (2010). «Ecological characterization of the colonic microbiota in Arctic and sub-Arctic seals«, Microb. Ecol. DOI 10.1007/s00248-010-9690-x

Kahilainen, K.K., Siwertsson, A., Gjelland, K.Ø., Knudsen, R., Bøhn, T., Amundsen, P.-A. (2010). «The role of gill raker number variability in adaptive radiation of coregonid fish.», Evolutionary Ecology DOI 10.1007/s10682-010-9411-4

Moe, MK, Samuelsen, PJ, Nielsen, HV, Nielsen, KM. (2010). «Separation of DNA containing organelles from Toxoplasma gondii by capillary zone electrophoresis«, Electrophoresis, 31, 1344-1349.  DOI: 10.1002/elps.200900582

Myhr, A.I. (2010). «The Challenge of Scientific Uncertainty and Disunity in Risk Assessment and Management of GM Crops«, Environmental Values 19 (2010): 7-31. DOI: 10.3197/096327110X485365

Myhr, A.I. (2010). «A Precautionary Approach to Genetically Modified Organisms: Challenges and Implications for Policy and Science«, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics DOI:10.1007/s10806-010-9234-x

Myhr, A.I. (2010). «Precautionary approach to genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and the need for biosafety research«, Gottwald, F. et al (eds) Food Ethics, Springer, New York, pp.87-101.

Nielsen, K.M. and Daffonchio, D. (2010). «Unintended Horizontal Transfer of Recombinant DNA«, TWN Biotechnology & Biosafety Series no. 13, TWN (ISBN: 978-967-5412-34-9)

Olesen, I., Myhr, A.I. and G. Kristin Rosendal, G.K. (2010). «Sustainable Aquaculture: Are We Getting There? Ethical Perspectives on Salmon Farming«, Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Ethics. DOI: 10.1007/s10806-010-9269-z

Ortiz-Catedral, L., Kurenbach, B. et al. (2010). «A new isolate of beak and feather disease virus from endemic wild red-fronted parakeets (Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae) in New Zealand«,  Arch Virol. DOI 10.1007/s00705-010-0607-2

Quist, D., (2010). «Vertical (Trans)gene Flow: Implications for Crop Diversity and Wild Relatives«, TWN Biotechnology & Biosafety Series 11, TWN publishing, ISBN: 978-967-5412-26-4, 40 pp.

Rosvoll, T. C. S., T. R. Pedersen, H. Sletvold, P. J. Johnsen, J. E. Sollid, G. S. Simonsen, L. B. Jensen, K. M. Nielsen, A. Sundsfjord (2010). «PCR-based plasmid typing in Enterococcus faecium strains reveals widely distributed pRE25-, pRUM-, pIP501-, and pHTβ-related replicons associated with glycopeptides resistance and stabilizing toxin-antitoxin systems«, FEMS Med. Microbiol. Immunol. 58, 254-268. DOI:10.1111/j.1574-695X.2009.00633.x

Sletvold, H., O. G. Wikmark, P.J. Johnsen, G. S. Simonsen, A. Sundsfjord, and K. M. Nielsen. (2010). «Tn1546 is part of a larger plasmid encoded genetic unit laterally disseminated among clonal Enterococcus faecium lineages«, J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 65(9) 1894-1906. DOI: 10.1093/jac/dkq219

Traavik, T., Nielsen, K.M. and Quist, D. (2010). «Genetically Engineered Cells and Organisms: Substantially Equivalent or Different?«, TWN, ISBN: 978-967-5412-07-3

Tryland, M., Okeke, M.I., af Segarstad, C. H., Mørner, T., Traavik, T., and Ryser-Degiorgis, M-P. (2011). «Orthopoxvirus DNA in the Eurasian Lynx population in Sweden and sequence comparisons with Scandinavian clinical cowpox virus isolates«, Emerging Infectious Diseases. DOI: 10.3201/eid1704.091899

Wickson, F., Delgado, A. and Kjølberg, K. (2010). «Who or what is ‘the public’?, Nature Nanotechnology. DOI:10.1038/nnano.2010.197

Wickson, F., Grieger, K. and Baun, A. (2010). «Nature and Nanotechnology: Science, Ideology and Policy«, International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society Vol. 8, No. 1, 2010, pp: 5 – 23

Wickson, F., Gillund, F. and Myhr, A.I. (2010). «Treating Nanoparticles with Precaution: The Importance of Recognising Qualitative Uncertainty in Scientific Risk Assessment», Nano goes macro, Social Perspectives on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Eds Kjølberg, K., Wickson, F. Pan Stanford Publishing, pp. 445-473

Wickson, F. (2010). “Images” in D. Guston (ed) Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society (SAGE: London)

Wickson, F. (2010). “Interdisciplinarity” in D. Guston (ed) Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society (SAGE: London)

Zeng, Q., B. Liu, B. Gilna, Y. Zhang, C. Zhu, H. Ma, J. Pang, G. Chen and J. Zhu (2010). «Elevated CO2 effects on nutrient competition between a C3 crop (Oryza sativa L.) and a C4 weed (Echinochloa crusgalli L.) » Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems: 1-12. DOI: 10.1007/s10705-010-9379-z


Other publications in peer reviewed journals

Tryland, M., Ryser-Degiorgis, M.-P., Okeke, M., Segerstad, C.H. og Traavik, T. (2010). «The Re-emerging Cowpox Virus: Clinical Cases, Hosts and Reservoirs in Scandinavia, Published abstract BIT’s World Congress of Virus and Infections 2010.



Gilna, B. (2010). Biosafety Report 2010/11: Designed to get away – Emerging deliberation and governance on autonomously disseminating technologies, Norwegian research Council


Book Chapters

Kjølberg, K. & Wickson, F. (2010)Nano meets Macro: Social Perspectives on Nanoscale Sciences and Technologies (Pan Stanford Publishing: Singapore).

Lövei, G.L., Bøhn, T. and Hilbeck, A. 2010. Biodiversity, ecosystem services and genetically modified organisms. TWN Biotechnology & Biosafety Series 10. Third World Network, Penang, Malaysia. ISBN: 978-967-5412-13-4.

Nielsen, K.M. and Daffonchio, D. 2010 Unintended Horizontal Transfer of Recombinant DNA, TWN Biotechnology & Biosafety Series no. 13, TWN (ISBN: 978-967-5412-34-9)

Quist, D., 2010. Vertical (Trans)gene Flow: Implications for Crop Diversity and Wild Relatives. TWN Biotechnology & Biosafety Series 11, TWN publishing, ISBN: 978-967-5412-26-4, 40 pp.

Wickson, F., Gillund, F. and Myhr, A.I. (2010) Treating Nanoparticles with Precaution: The Importance of Recognising Qualitative Uncertainty in Scientific Risk Assessment. In: Nano goes macro, Social Perspectives on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Eds Kjølberg, K., Wickson, F. Pan Stanford Publishing, pp. 445-473



Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/BE/2010/79
Application filed by Monsanto Company for soy MON 87701
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2010/78
Application filed by Monsanto Company for soy MON 87705
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2009/73
Application filed by Monsanto Company for soy MON 87701 x MON 89788
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2009/72
Application filed by Monsanto Company and Dow AgroSciences for maize MON 89034  x NK603
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/BE/2009/71
Application filed by Monsanto Company for maize MON 89034 x MON 88017
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2009/70
Application filed by Monsanto Company for maize MON 87460
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/UK/2009/76
Application filed by Monsanto Company for soy MON 87769
Read assessment

Assessment of the summary of the dossier under 1829/2003/EU of EFSA/GMO/NL/2009/65
Application filed by Monsanto Company and Dow AgroSciences for maize MON 89034 x 1507 x NK603
Read assessment



Gillund, F. 2010. Et spørsmål om objektivitet. Kronikk i Nordlys 21.01.10

Gillund, F. og Myhr, A.I. 2010. Mange veier til bedre viten. Kronikk i Nordlys 29.09.10.

Gilna, B. 2010. Ingen grenser for nye organismer. Nyhet Norges Forskningsråd 06.12.10.

Heinemann, J.A. 2010. Are some scientists just taking the cis out of genetic engineering? Pt I.

Heinemann, J.A. 2010. Are some scientists just taking the cis out of genetic engineering? Pt II.

Heinemann, J.A. 2010. Is genetic engineering just like breeding?

Quist, D. 2010 Hvem skal vokte vokterne? Leserbrev Nationen, 25.01.10

Wickson, F. (2010) «Activists should be consulted in animal testing decisions» Nature 463, p.293

Wickson, F. 2010 Mosquitoes: just how much biodiversity does humanity need? Nature Volume: 466, Page: 1041, doi:10.1038/4661041d Published online25 August 2010


Publikasjoner 2009

Articles in peer reviewed journals

Amundsen, P.-A., Siwertsson, A., Primicerio, R. & Bøhn, T. (2009). «Long-term responses of zooplankton to invasion by a planktivorous fish in a subarctic watercourse«, Freshwater Biology 54: 24-34. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2008.02088.x

Aslaksen, I., Glomsrød, S., Myhr, A.I. (2009). «Ecology and economy in the Arctic -Uncertainty, knowledge and precaution», in Pereira, A. and Funtowicz, S. (eds) Science 4 Policy, Oxford Univ. Press, New Dehlie, pp.214-30.

Gillund, F. Tonheim, T. Myhr, A.I. and Dalmo, R. (2009). «Introduction of DNA vaccines in aquaculture: Prospects and constraints»in Aquaculture Microbiology and Biotechnology; Volume 1, Montet D. and Ray, R.C. (eds) Science Publishers, Inc, NH, USA. pp. 159 – 183.

Gjelland, K.Ø., Bøhn, T., Horne, J.K., Jensvoll, I., Knudsen, F.R. & Amundsen, P.-A. (2009). «Planktivore vertical migration and shoaling under a subarctic light regime«, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66: 525-539. DOI: 10.1139/F09-014.

Hansen H., Okeke M.I., Nilssen O. & Traavik T. (2009). «Comparison and phylogenetic analysis of cowpox viruses isolated from cats and humans in Fennoscandia. Arch Virol 154, 1293-1302. DOI: 10.1007/s00705-009-0442-5

Johansen, S.D., Coucheron, D.H., Andreassen, M., Karlsen, B.O., Furmanek, T., Jørgensen, T.E., Emblem, Å., Breines, R., Nordeide, J.T., Moum, T., Nederbragt A.J., Stenseth, N.C. and Jakobsen, K.S. (2009). «Large-scale sequence analysis of Atlantic cod«, New Biotechnology. Volume 25, Issue 5:263-271. DOI:10.1016/j.nbt.2009.03.014

Johnsen, P.J., Townsend, J.P., Bøhn, T., Simonsen, G.S., Sundsfjord, A. and Nielsen, K.M. (2009). «Factors affecting the reversal of antimicrobial-drug resistance«, Lancet Infect Dis 2009; 9: 357-64. DOI: 10.1016/S1473-3099(09)70105-7

Lim L. L. and Lim, L.C. (2009). «Critical issues in the regulation of genetically modified organisms», in Pereira, A. and Funtowicz, S. (eds) Science 4 Policy, Oxford Univ. Press, New Dehlie, pp. 135-148.

Nielsen, K. M., Ray, J. L., and Johnsen, P. J. (2009). «The natural uptake of extracellular DNA in bacteria», Encyclopedia of Microbiology, (M. Schaechter, ED.), 3rd Ed. Oxford: Elsevier. pp. 587-596.

Okeke M.I., Nilssen O., Moens U., Tryland M., Traavik T. (2009). «In vitro host range, multiplication and virion forms of recombinant viruses obtained from co-infection in vitro with a vaccinia-vectored influenza vaccine and a naturally occurring cowpox virus isolate«, Virology Journal May 12, 6:55. DOI:10.1186/1743-422X-6-55

Okeke, M.I., Nilssen, Ø. and Traavik, T. (2009). «Biological properties of recombinant viruses obtained from co-infection in vitro of Modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) vectored influenza vaccine and wild type cowpox virus», Virology Journal, 6:55, 2009

Okeke, M.I., Adekoya, O.A., Moens, U., Tryland, M., Traavik, T., Nilssen, O. (2009). «Comparative sequence analysis of A-type inclusion (ATI) and P4c proteins of orthopoxviruses that produce typical and atypical ATI phenotypes«, Virus Genes 39, 200-209. DOI: 10.1007/s11262-009-0376-8

Ray, J. L, P. Harms, K., Wikmark, O.G, Starikova, I, Johnsen, P.J., Nielsen, K. M. (2009). «Sexual Isolation in Acinetobacter baylyi Is Locus-Specific and Varies 10,000-Fold Over the Genome«,Genetics 182, 1165-1181.


Book Chapters

Heinemann, J.A. (2009). Hope not Hype. The future of agriculture guided by the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Developmen. Third World Network, ISBN: 978-983-2729-81-5

Heinemann, J.A. and Kurenbach, B. (2009). Horizontal transfer of genes between microorganisms. In Encyclopedia of Microbiology (M. Schaechter, editor-in-chief, third edition Academic Press).

Nordgård, L. (2009). Survival and uptake of feed-derived DNA in the mammalian intestinal tract. Ph.D thesis, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tromsø, Norway. ISBN 978-82-7589-246-9

Traavik, T., Nielsen, K.M. and Quist, D. (2009). Genetically Engineered Cells and Organisms: Substantially Equivalent or Different? TWN Biotechnology & Biosafety Series 9 (40 pages) Publisher: TWN. ISBN: 978-967-5412-07-3.



Gillund, F. (2009). Hva nå gener? Fra Allmakt til identitetskrise. Replikk 27: 13- 19.

Husby, J. (2009). ”De gode kapitalistene”. Kronikk i Klassekampen 9. juni 2009.

Nielsen, K.N. og Traavik T. (2009). «Livet, versjon 2.0» Kronikk i Dagbladet 19. sept. 2009

Quist, D. og Bøhn, T. (2009). Historisk avgjørelse om GM mais. Debattinnlegg i Nordlys 17. januar 2009.

Quist, D. og Bøhn, T. (2009). Lukk øynene og gap opp. Kronikk i Nordlys 6. januar 2009.


Publikasjoner 2008

Articles in peer reviewed journals

Brusetti, L., Glad, T., Borin, S., Myren, P., Rizzi, A., Johnsen, P., Carter, P., Daffonchio, D. and Nielsen, K. M. (2008). «Low prevalence of blaTEM genes in Arctic and agricultural soil and rhizosphere«, Microb. Ecol. Health Dis. 20, 27-36. DOI: 10.1080/08910600701838244

Bøhn, T., Primicerio, R., Hessen, D.O. and Traavik, T. (2008). «Reduced fitness of Daphnia magna fed a Bt-transgenic maize variety«, Archives of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 55. 584-592.: DOI 10.1007/s00244-008-9150-5

Bøhn, T., Amundsen, P.-A. and Sparrow, A. (2008). «Competitive exclusion after invasion?«, Biological Invasions 10: 359-368. DOI: 10.1007/s10530-007-9135-8.

Filutowicz, M., Burgess, R., Gameli, R.L., Heinemann, J.A., Kurenbach, B., Rakowski, S.A. and Shankar, R. (2008). «Bacterial conjugation-based antimicrobial agents«, Plasmid 60, 38-41. DOI: 10.1016/j.plasmid.2008.03.004

Gillund, F., Kjølberg, K.A., Krayer von Krauss, M. and Myhr, A.I. (2008). «Do uncertainty analyses reveal uncertainties? Using the introduction of DNA vaccines to aquaculture as a case«, Science of The Total Environment 407, 185-196. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2008.08.001

Gillund, F., Dalmo, R., Tonheim, T.C., Seternes, T. and Myhr, A.I. (2008). «DNA vaccination in aquaculture — Expert judgments of impacts on environment and fish health«, Aquaculture 284, 25-34. DOI:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2008.07.044

Jensen, H., Kahilainen, K., Amundsen, P.-A., Gjelland, K.Ø., Toumaala, A., Malinen, T. and Bøhn, T. (2008). «Predation by brown trout (Salmo trutta) along a diversifying prey community gradient«, Canadian Journal of Fish and Aquatic Sciences 65: 1831-1841. DOI: 10.1139/F08-096

Kiers, E.T., Leakey, R.R.B., Izacs, A.-M., Heinemann, J.A., Rosenthal, E., Nathan, D. and Jiggins, J. (2008). «Agriculture at a crossroads«, Science 320, 320-321. DOI: 10.1126/science.1158390

Rizzi, A., Brusetti, L., Arioli, S., Nielsen, K. M., Tamagnini, I., Tamburini, A., Sorlini, C. and Daffonchio, D. (2008). «Detection of feed-derived maize DNA in goat milk and evaluation of the potential of horizontal transfer to bacteria«, Eur Food Res Technol 227:1699–1709. DOI: 10.1007/s00217-008-0896-9

Rizzi, A., Pontiroli, A., Brusetti, L., Borin, S., Sorlini, C., Abruzzese, A., Sacchi, G. A., Vogel, T. M., Simonet, P., Bazzicalupo, M., Nielsen, K. M., Monier, J.-M. and Daffonchio, D. (2008). «Strategy for in situ detection of natural transformation-based horizontal gene transfer events«, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 74, 1250-1254. DOI: 10.1128/AEM.02185-07

Sletvold, H, Johnsen, P, Hamre, I, Simonsen, G, Sundsfjord, A, Nielsen, K. M. (2008). «Complete sequence of Enterococcus faecium pVEF3 and the detection of a toxin-antitoxin module and an ABC transporter. Plasmid, 60, 75-85. DOI: 10.1016/j.plasmid.2008.04.002

Tonheim, T.C., Dalmo R.A., Bøgwald J., Seternes T. (2008). «Specific uptake of plasmid DNA without reporter gene expression in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) kidney after intramuscular administration«, Fish & Shellfish Immunology 24,1:90-101. DOI: 10.1016/j.fsi.2007.09.006

Tonheim, T.C., Bøgwald J. and Dalmo R.A. (2008). «What happens to the DNA vaccine in fish? A review of current knowledge«, Fish & Shellfish Immunology 25, 1-2:1-18. DOI: 10.1016/j.fsi.2008.03.007


Other publications in peer reviewed journals

Myhr, A. I. og Rosendal, K. (2008). «GMO Assessment in Norway as Compared to EU«, Direktoratet for naturforvaltning. Utredning 2009-2. Procedures: Societal Utility and Sustainable Development, report to the Norwegian Directorate of Nature Management, 46 pages.


Book Chapters

Heinemann, J.A. and Kurenbach, B. (2008). «Special threats to the agroecosystem from the combination of genetically modified crops and glyphosate». Third World Network Biosafety Briefing, August 2008.

Kallenborn, R, J. Fick, R. Lindberg, M. Moe, K. M. Nielsen, M. Tysklind and T. Vasskog. (2008). «Pharmaceutical residues in Northern European Environments: Consequences and Perspectives». Book chapter in:Pharmaceuticals in the environment 3rd Ed, (Kuemmerer, K. Ed). Springer Verlag, Germany. pp. 61-74.

Nielsen, K. M., Ray, J. L., and Johnsen, P. J. (2008). «The natural uptake of extracellular DNA in bacteria«, Encyclopedia of Microbiology, 3rd Ed. Elsevier.

Traavik T. (2008). «GMOs and their unmodified counterparts: substantially equivalent or different?» Pp 32-34, in: Breckling B, Reuter H and Verhoeven R: Implictions of GM-Crop Cultivation at Large Spatial Scales. Theorie in der Ökologie vol. 14, Peter Lang, Frankfurt, 2008 (ISBN 978-3-631-58939-7)



Gillund, F. (2008) La oss slå et slag for den norske Genteknologiloven: Historisk avgjørelse. Kronikk i Klassekampen 14. okt. 2008.

Traavik, T. (2008) Biosikkerhet viktigst. Debattinnlegg i Aftenposten 28. januar 2008


Publikasjoner 2007

Boook Chapters

Bøhn, T. (2007). «Invasion of Exotic Species: Lessons for GMOs?«,  book chapter in: Traavik, T. and Lim, L.C. (eds.) Biosafety First: Holistic Approaches to Risk and Uncertainty in Genetic Engineering and Genetically Modified Organisms, Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim. ISBN: 978-983-2729-98-3

Husby, J. (2007). «Definitions of GMO/LMO and Modern Biotechnology«, book chapter in: Traavik, T. and Lim, L.C. (eds.) Biosafety First: Holistic Approaches to Risk and Uncertainty in Genetic Engineering and Genetically Modified Organisms, Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim. ISBN: 978-983-2729-98-3

Husby, J. (2007). «Sustainability, Social and Ethical Considerations in Regulations«, book chapter in: Traavik, T. and Lim, L.C. (eds.) Biosafety First: Holistic Approaches to Risk and Uncertainty in Genetic Engineering and Genetically Modified Organisms, Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim. ISBN: 978-983-2729-98-3

Husby, J. (2007). «A General Introduction to the Regulation of GMOs and Gene Technology«, book chapter in: Traavik, T. and Lim, L.C. (eds.) Biosafety First: Holistic Approaches to Risk and Uncertainty in Genetic Engineering and Genetically Modified Organisms, Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim. ISBN: 978-983-2729-98-3

Lövei, G., Bøhn T. and Hilbeck A. (2007). «Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Genetically Modified Organisms«, book chapter in: Traavik, T. and Lim, L.C. (eds.) Biosafety First: Holistic Approaches to Risk and Uncertainty in Genetic Engineering and Genetically Modified Organisms, Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim. ISBN: 978-983-2729-98-3

Myhr, A. I. and Dalmo, R. A. (2007). «Nanotechnology and risk: what are the issues?«, in; Allhoff et al. (eds) Nanoethics, examining the societal impact of nanotechnology, ISBN: 978-0-470-08417-5 John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Myhr, A.I. and Traavik, T. (2007). «GE Applications and GMO release: The Ethical Challenges«, book chapter in: Traavik, T. and Lim, L.C. (eds.) Biosafety First: Holistic Approaches to Risk and Uncertainty in Genetic Engineering and Genetically Modified Organisms, Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim. ISBN: 978-983-2729-98-3

Myhr, A.I. and Dalmo, R. (2007). «DNA Vaccines: Mechanisms and Aspects of Relevance for Biosafety«, book chapter in: Traavik, T. and Lim, L.C. (eds.) Biosafety First: Holistic Approaches to Risk and Uncertainty in Genetic Engineering and Genetically Modified Organisms, Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim. ISBN: 978-983-2729-98-3

Myhr, A.I. (2007). «The Role of Precautionary Motivated Science in Addressing Scientific UncertaintiesRelated to GMOs«, book chapter in: Traavik, T. and Lim, L.C. (eds.) Biosafety First: Holistic Approaches to Risk and Uncertainty in Genetic Engineering and Genetically Modified Organisms, Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim. ISBN: 978-983-2729-98-3

Myhr, A.I. (2007) The Precautionary Principle in GMO Regulations. Book chapter in: Traavik, T. and Lim, L.C. (eds.) Biosafety First: Holistic Approaches to Risk and Uncertainty in Genetic Engineering and Genetically Modified Organisms, Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim. ISBN: 978-983-2729-98-3

Nielsen, K. M., Johnsen, P and van Elsas, J. D. (2007). «Gene transfer and micro-evolution in soil«, book chapter in: Modern Soil Microbiology 2nd Ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Chapter 3, pp. 55-81. ISBN 9780824727499

Nielsen, K.M. and Myhr, A.I. (2007). «Understanding the Uncertainties Arising from Technological Interventions in Complex Biological Systems: The Case of GMOs«, book chapter in: Traavik, T. and Lim, L.C. (eds.) Biosafety First: Holistic Approaches to Risk and Uncertainty in Genetic Engineering and Genetically Modified Organisms, Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim. ISBN: 978-983-2729-98-3

Nielsen, K.M. and Daffoncchio, D. (2007). «Unintended Horizontal Transfer of Recombinant DNA.», book chapter in: Traavik, T. and Lim, L.C. (eds.) Biosafety First: Holistic Approaches to Risk and Uncertainty in Genetic Engineering and Genetically Modified Organisms, Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim. ISBN: 978-983-2729-98-3

Quist, D., Nielsen, K. and Traavik T. (2007). «Introduction to Some Basic Features of Genetic Information: From DNA to Proteins«, book chapter in: Traavik, T. and Lim, L.C. (eds.) Biosafety First: Holistic Approaches to Risk and Uncertainty in Genetic Engineering and Genetically Modified Organisms, Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim. ISBN: 978-983-2729-98-3

Quist, D., Nielsen, K. and Traavik T. (2007). «The Complex and Interactive Pathway from (Trans)genes to Proteines«, book chapter in: Traavik, T. and Lim, L.C. (eds.) Biosafety First: Holistic Approaches to Risk and Uncertainty in Genetic Engineering and Genetically Modified Organisms, Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim. ISBN: 978-983-2729-98-3

Quist, D. (2007). «Vertical (TRans)gene Flow: Implications for Crop Diversity and Wild Relatives«, book chapter in: Traavik, T. and Lim, L.C. (eds.) Biosafety First: Holistic Approaches to Risk and Uncertainty in Genetic Engineering and Genetically Modified Organisms, Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim. ISBN: 978-983-2729-98-3

Traavik, T. and Bøhn, T. (2007). «Life on Earth«, book chapter in: Traavik, T. and Lim, L.C. (eds.) Biosafety First: Holistic Approaches to Risk and Uncertainty in Genetic Engineering and Genetically Modified Organisms, Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim. ISBN: 978-983-2729-98-3

Traavik, T. and Heinemann, J. (2007). «Genetic Engineering and Omitted Health Research: Still No Answers to Ageing Questions«, TWN Biosafety and Biotechnology Series 7, Third World Network, Malaysia.

Traavik, T., Nielsen K.M. and Quist D. (2007). «Genetically Engineered Cells and Organisms: Substantially Equivalent or Different?«, book chapter in: Traavik, T. and Lim, L.C. (eds.) Biosafety First: Holistic Approaches to Risk and Uncertainty in Genetic Engineering and Genetically Modified Organisms, Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim. ISBN: 978-983-2729-98-3

Traavik, T. Nielsen, K. and Quist, D. (2007). «Genetic Engineering of Living Cells and Organisms«, book chapter in: Traavik, T. and Lim, L.C. (eds.) Biosafety First: Holistic Approaches to Risk and Uncertainty in Genetic Engineering and Genetically Modified Organisms, Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim. ISBN: 978-983-2729-98-3



Okeke, M. I. (2007). «Recombination in vitro between transgenic and wild type orthopoxviruses; characterization of parental and progeny hybrid viruses«, Ph.D Thesis, University of Tromsø, Norway. ISBN: 978-82-7589-188-2.

Tonheim, T. (2007). «Parenterally delivered plasmid DNA in Atlantic salmon and Atlantic cod – Distribution, uptake and persistence», thesis for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor pp132.

Traavik, T. and Lim, L.C. (eds.) (2007). «Biosafety First: Holistic Approaches to Risk and Uncertainty in Genetic Engineering and Genetically Modified Organisms«, (forthcoming) Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim. ISBN: 978-983-2729-98-3