Arkiv for «Nyhet»:
New book chapter: Visions of gene technology
18.06.2021 | Nyhet
New book chapter: The ethical sustainability matrix: a practical tool for assessment of GMOs including genome-edited organisms
17.06.2021 | Nyhet
New book chapter: Public engagement in biotechnology innovation – the need for research and the role of ethics
16.06.2021 | Nyhet
New book chapter: Genome edited salmon: fish welfare as part of sustainability criteria
15.06.2021 | Nyhet
Ny artikkel: Genome editing on finfish: Current status and implications for sustainability
07.06.2021 | Nyhet
GenØks årsrapport 2020
31.05.2021 | Nyhet
Innspill til Klima- og miljødepartementet (KLD) vedrørende forslag til endring i genteknologilovens § 12 om åpenhetsforordningen
21.01.2021 | Nyhet
12 MNOK Research Council funding for GenØk project
17.12.2020 | Nyhet