The NewHoRRIzon project published its first policy brief in May 2018, coordinated and written by Robert Braun of the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) and co-authored by Michael Bernstein of GenØk – Centre for Biosafety with contributions from the NewHoRRIzon team, on the status of RRI in H2020.
The policy brief aims at offering evidence based policy recommendations, informed by the first inputs of NewHoRRIzon research efforts across 19 social labs, to policy makers, journalists and interested researchers on the state of play of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in H2020 and proposing some immediate first actions for mainstreaming RRI in the next framework program, FP9.
The early research highlight steps that the EU has already initiated to advance RRI in H2020 programming, such as including commitments in the founding regulation of the programme and establishing devoted activities through SWAFS. However, findings also point to numerous challenges for widespread and sustained implementation across H2020 programming and projects. First results indicate a range of policies that could be pursued to build capacity of the European R&I enterprise to realize RRI.
Our recommendations, among others, focus on emphasis on excellence in terms of transparent, and socially robust knowledge that is inclusive of stakeholder and citizen perspectives; capacity building and training of programme officers, evaluators, researchers, innovators, and stakeholders to learn more about ways that science and technology are embedded in society; and further investments in the development of “Key Performance Indicators” or other methods of monitoring and evaluating RRI implementation.