GenØk har levert svar på høringen av fornyelsessøknad EFSA/GMO/RX/003, for genmodifisert maislinje DAS-59122-7 som gjelder mat, fôr, import og prosessering fra Pioneer Overseas Corporation og Dow Agrosciences Europe Ltd.
Final summary
In order to meet the requirements for the NGTA, the regulator is encouraged to ask the Applicant to submit information relevant for the assessment of the social utility of 59122 maize and its contribution to sustainable development. The information provided by the Applicant must be relevant for the agricultural context in the producing country/countries, and for Norway as a potential importing country. The information should include issues such as:
• changes in pesticide use,
• development of pest resistance in target populations,
• impacts on non-target organisms,
• potential for adjuvancy effects
• potential for gene flow
• possible impacts among poor and/or small-scale farmers in producing countries,
• share of the benefits among sectors of the society, and
• meeting a need among consumers or industry.
Furthermore, 59122 maize is tolerant to glufosinate-ammonium which is banned for use in Norway due to health and environmental concerns. How the use of this herbicide contribute to sustainable development in the producing country needs therefore to be demonstrated by the applicant. Moreover, the applicant does not attempt to identify ethical implications, nor demonstrate a benefit to the community in Norway or in the producing country from the use 59122 maize and does therefore not provide sufficient information as required by the NGTA.
Bidragsytere: Idun Merete Grønsberg, Lise Nordgård, Lilian van Hove, Anne Ingeborg Myhr
Illustrasjonsfoto: AdobeStock_109613630_mhoufotolia