The position is a 35 months project position within the research project «MarMib: Impact of marine microplastic associated biofilms on environmental and human health», funded by The Norwegian Research Council. The researcher is planned to be located at GenØk – Centre for Biosafety in Tromsø and Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries in Berlin/Stechlin, Germany.
he MarMib Project aims to assess the linkage between biofilms forming on microplastics (MP) and spread of antimicrobial resistance genes (AMRGs) in biofilms and marine ecology. The primary objective is to describe how bacteria, and their ecological function, associated with MP may differ based on different amount of MP, antibiotic and metal pollution in the waters and geographic location (temperature etc). Plasmid-borne AMRGs are of particular interest since they have a potential for rapid spread. Understanding how the plasmid resistome varies between different areas such as Asia, South Africa, South America, Central Europe and Norway, all with different MP pollution and antibiotic consumption, is also a part of the primary objective.
We are seeking a candidate to run work package 3, resistome analysis and mining for antibiotic resistance genes and proxies, as well as work package 4 concerning ecological impact of microbial communities on microplastic biofilms.
The employed researcher/Post Doc will be participating in MarMib’s global research network and be involved in science communications and developing a communication platform for the project. The successful candidate will be encouraged to apply for independent funding, and will be allowed to dedicate some time to administer self-initiated research activities. It is expected that the employed person will be able to complete the project in the course of the period of employment.
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